Proud of myself...but miffed.


Easy Rider
Mar 2, 2009
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I went for a ride with the group last Sunday, although it turned out that only 4 showed up and one guy had to quit early in the ride with some motor trouble (gixxer - say no more). Anyway the 3 of us head out for a nice ride on the secondary hwy into the mountains. The one rider I know...she likes speed and makes no excuses. The other rider is a young newer rider I haven't met.

After our first fuel stop we take a "scenic" route along the Rockies, most of which is on a 60 kph road. The pace picks up to the point that we are doing 100-120, passing everyone, and missing the gorgeous views. I keep thinking "Am I being dragged along here? This isn't the ride I had in mind today". So, all of a sudden, I hit the brakes, gear down, and pull off into a nice little road side store that happens to be having an outdoor barbeque. After a dog and some fluids, I chat to a couple other riders there who have a better appreciation for the surroundings. Maybe there is hope.

I rode back to town alone, but took my time, stopped a few times to admire the moutains and catch that great pine filled air, and felt really relaxed.

I got an e-mail later from the rider who had been pushing the pace, asking what had happened to me. I said that I got fed up with the speed, and that I hadn't joined our club to be riding twice the speed limit...something that I never would do on my own. She did apologize (after all, this was supposed to be a "group" ride), but it makes me want to drop the club altogether.

Anyway - I'm proud of myself for at least not getting sucked into a death race, but still kinda pissed off.
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Let it go, you rode your ride. That's the smart thing to do!

I just don't do "group" rides anymore cause weird sh&t happens every time.
I went for a ride with the group last Sunday, although it turned out that only 4 showed up and one guy had to quit early in the ride with some motor trouble (gixxer - say no more). Anyway the 3 of us head out for a nice ride on the secondary hwy into the mountains. The one rider I know...she likes speed and makes no excuses. The other rider is a young newer rider I haven't met.

After our first fuel stop we take a "scenic" route along the Rockies, most of which is on a 60 kph road. The pace picks up to the point that we are doing 100-120, passing everyone, and missing the gorgeous views. I keep thinking "Am I being dragged along here? This isn't the ride I had in mind today". So, all of a sudden, I hit the brakes, gear down, and pull off into a nice little road side store that happens to be having an outdoor barbeque. After a dog and some fluids, I chat to a couple other riders there who have a better appreciation for the surroundings. Maybe there is hope.

I rode back to town alone, but took my time, stopped a few times to admire the moutains and catch that great pine filled air, and felt really relaxed.

I got an e-mail later from the rider who had been pushing the pace, asking what had happened to me. I said that I got fed up with the speed, and that I hadn't joined our club to be riding twice the speed limit...something that I never would do on my own. She did apologize (after all, this was supposed to be a "group" ride), but it makes me want to drop the club altogether.

Anyway - I'm proud of myself for at least not getting sucked into a death race, but still kinda pissed off.

sounds just like the group I ride with...or...dont really ride with anymore because of that same reason you mentioned. I like to cruise and enjoy the scenery. If I was for all out speed I would have bought a track bike.
Don't feel bad! You did the right thing. You really don't have to apologize to anyone.

I've ridden with a few groups and some riders are faster some are slower and we all ride for different reasons. Generally I and others will scoot ahead for a little while but then slow down and if we don't see someone in a bit we'll double back to find them. I do my slower riding days with slower paced friends and we have such a great time together.

Don't be miffed at all. Be Proud!

I wouldn't want to ride with a group that noticed I was missing from the pack and didn't go back to see what happened to me.

Good call.

ha right! she sends an email to ask what happened? what about turning around, or even a phone call? what if you crashed or even had a break down? that's not the group i want to ride with.
You might want to introduce a term called a "Sweeper" for the other riders for future group rides since they obviously know that there is a leader.
I went out with a group of local lads last year, but when they sat at 100mph on 60mph limit national roads i started to think....why? I dont mind a good blast, but that is just asking to lose your license.

Saying that tho, they were all on litre sports bikes, if i had one id maybe be doing the same hehe