Pound vs euro


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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Well I'm back in the UK for Chrimbo, and what a pleasant surprise, the exchange rate is almost 1euro-1 pound, I've never seen the exchange rate this low. Although it will be good for british exports it's great for people who are on holiday in the UK (from a country that has euro's).

Well it looks like my money will go further this christmas, :thumbup:

Heres the BBC's story

Merry Christmas everyone.
The Danish Kroner is really strong against the pound at the moment. I was looking for another bike in Germany but now I am looking in the UK.

I am using the situation as a bargaining chip with the German dealers who are keen to get rid of their stock to get new bikes in for next year.


We are going to the dogs.
(This is a non-political reference, just in case. ;))

And I thought you were refering to your user name/ Avatar ;)

What do you mean....GOING...

Since me and Cloggy left that country it has well and truly ....GONE..:Flip:


I saw the exchange rate today and I was shocked. 1 Pound is €1.05. I am actually looking into booking a two week holiday to Cuba through the UK. If the exchange rate stays the same it will cost me at least 50 % cheaper than I can get it here in Greece. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
Even the mighty American Dollar has gained on both currencies. I remembered just this past summer that the Pound was almost 2:1 against the dollar. We were bombarded by visitors here in Vegas from the UK and Europe, as they took advantage of the great bargains. People were coming over here with just their clothes on their back with an empty suit case and returning home with a packed suitcase, buying all sorts of stuff they purchased over here. I remembered we had a guy from France work on our helicopters and asked where he could find an electronic store so that he could buy a video game for his kid. I directed him to Fry's Electronics, and he came back buying over $300 worth of games because he couldn't believe how cheap it was over here to begin with, plus getting a very favorable exhchange rate, he thought he just robbed the place.
ive been guilty of that during holidays in Orlando ,from clothes to car stereos then i discovered shopping on the net, but U.S shops have got wise and charge extorsionate postage fees
ive been guilty of that during holidays in Orlando ,from clothes to car stereos then i discovered shopping on the net, but U.S shops have got wise and charge extorsionate postage fees

That's why for a while, it was cheaper just to fly over here and go shopping. The money you could save on the price of the goods, plus the money saved avoiding the taxes, postage and duty was enough to warrant a trip. If you're just buying clothes, there is no way for customs to verify that you bought them or not, except maybe they are folded neatly and unworn. But now, the exchange rate isn't as favorable as it was in the past, so you won't get as good of a bargain.
I remembered we had a guy from France work on our helicopters and asked where he could find an electronic store so that he could buy a video game for his kid. I directed him to Fry's Electronics, and he came back buying over $300 worth of games because he couldn't believe how cheap it was over here to begin with, plus getting a very favorable exhchange rate, he thought he just robbed the place.

wonder what kind of system he had... most systems these days have "region codes" to force you to buy games in the market you purchased the system in... (i.e. if you bought a gaming platform in the US it won't play european games and vice versa)... to prevent situations like this