Post your pets!

Here is my old dog,14 years now.We had a bale of hay in the garage and when we got home from our holiday it was everywhere !

Here is the culprit looking guilty.
I may have to sell my snake because of not being able to find someone to keep it for me.

If you lived out this way I would volunteer as a caretaker in a heartbeat! I used to have an albino corn snake when I was little and absolutely loved her. Unfortunately my parents sold her when we moved cross-country...

One question for you (inspired by the spider pics and info)... what exactly do you do for a living? Are you a spider geneticist on the side? I am terrified of spiders in general, but love tarantulas. Is that strange? The pictures you posted were beautiful!

As for me, here are my current bundles of furry joy:

(My dog is Doozy, 12, asleep on a pillow, invading my fizzer's photoshoot, and looking meekly up at me past the ball of hair I brushed from her. Then my cats- Grace (the black and white one) and Molly (all black) both 3- Molly loves my riding gear and will always curl up either next to or on whatever piece of gear I put on the bed, no matter how much open space there is on the rest of the bed...)
These are all pictures my wife takes on my iphone while she's bored, and yes the cat is wearing a seatbelt :Flash:. I wish I could find a helmet and a basket for the puppy to ride the bike maybe i'll make one one day. First is max the newsest addition, second is lance (I named him after Lance Armstrong when I was cycling a lot) the huge cat, and last is bella.
Heh Nice looking dogs you all have. I miss having a dog around.. Just don't have enough time or resources to have one at the time. The one snake I have left is just enough...though I might have to sell it eventually. Still haven't found anyone to watch it when I'm deployed and my roommate is gone.