Post up your SNOW photos


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Oct 5, 2009
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Long Island, NY
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Long Island NY here...

another 19" on Weds night on what's being told now as the snowiest January on record. WeatherTools were calling for 4 to 8 overnight :rolleyes:
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26'C = 78.8'F
42'C = 107.6'F

And today is humid - it usually isn't. We had rain earlier (passed very quickly) but unfortunately, Tropical Cyclone Bianca is due to hit Perth in the early hours of Sunday..... We won't get it bad, but we will get a lot of wind and lots of rain. And they are still forecasting 38'C - it will be very sticky tomorrow :(
Your winter in NY sounds like ours last year!! Crazy isnt it??

We didnt get too much here in Maryland... probably 10-12" total this time around. (we have dodged the bullet every snow storm this year)

Here are a few pics I took at the local marina.




Is that what snow is? :D Never seen it.

If the only way you see snow is through photos, you should be a happy guy right now. this winter is making people in these parts really miserable.

Although I will say I could never live in a climate that gets as hot as FLA does for a such a long period of time. If I were to relocated I would go to a locale with tamer winters and reasonably comfortable summers
Nice photos.. keep 'em coming!!!

Yama Max are you a pro photographer? Looks like a greeting card.
lol, thanks for the kind words, but not a pro by any means. I have a small company I just started. ( But i dont consider myself a pro.. I just love photography and some photoshop. :thumbup:
Where's the "unlike" button?! I'm SO sick of all this snow! Mountains of it out there and another storm in the forecast for Wednesday! :rolleyes:

P.S. Great pix!
Great thread, thanks for giving us members who live in the sunnier climates on what it looks like to have that much snow.

Currently 16C or 60F and climbing here in Vegas.
Was it because of the snow?

yeah. the snow started late. i left work early, but it started coming down more and more into my commute. it was a 30 mph, white-knuckled drive home. the road hadn't been plowed recently, so all the cars were following 2 tracks in the road. i saw one snow plow (going the opposite direction.) i was slowing down for a light and lost traction. i hit a truck in front of me at maybe 5mph. World's slowest crash. i went underneath his flatbed. our bumpers didn't match up so his truck had almost no damage. just some scratches underneath. he didn't seem to care when we pulled over. thank God. i didn't want to be sued. very common in the DC area. my car has a crumpled hood, fender and broken headlight. i'm not going to make an insurance claim on a car that's worth $3000 and has 180,000 miles on it. i just bought a headlight assembly on ebay and replaced the broken headlight. now my car looks like ****, but it's been running like a CHAMP the whole time i've had it.
i hate the freakin' snow so much. i am going insane.
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I've always wanted to have that much snow but thank God we don't. Keep it in the mountains so I can ski and we're good to go. I have said lots of prayers this winter for all of mother natures rath around the world. It's pretty bad in a lot of places.