Possibly the last ride of the season today


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Well it's getting cold out there, and me being a complete wimp when it comes to freezing weather this may be my last ride today. We've been getting frost and have been expecting snow lately and I have no desire to ride in that. High 50's and overcast, I'm sitting at my desk wearing my boots and kevlar jeans today (casual fridays) just waiting to get in and out of the management meeting. We haven't gotten snow yet, but when we do I'll be snowmobiling to feed the addiction, the bike will be hibernating, getting a paint job, oil change, and gear change if I get to all of that. It's been a great first season for me, great bike, gained tons of experience and had a blast. This is something I'll be doing forever. Thanks for all the help and advice!
Dont hang it up just yet. I am sure before this month is up you will get more chances. I just hate to hear you guys going months without riding. Dont worry though, i will just ride twice as much in the winter to make up for the riding you guys miss out on.:D
yea, over here in Cali, it was getting colder, but I rode to work (on my bicycle) in pants and shirt...usually around this time it's cold enough for the beanie, thinsulate gloves, scarf, snow jacket....but it was BOILING at probably 70...it's up to 77 now and predicted 81. Man...it's hard living in Cali ;)
Geez I'm so sympathetic to your plight over there :rolleyes: It was actually really nice out there today, I had my colder weather gloves and a fleece on under the jacket and it was the perfect temp. I've had some just plain unpleasant rides recently but if it stays like this for a little while then my post was premature..
I'm not giving in yet!

Was low 30's this morning, but sun was shining and ride in was awesome. Riding home in the dark sucks since the time change, but beats leaving FZ6 at home. I'm holding out until roads are sanded (or mag-chlor). Even then will probably be able to sneak in a few good days before the serious cold hits.
How are you going to paint your bike? :)

And riddle me this: you don't like to ride your FZ in the cold but you'll be snowmobiling instead? :confused:
I'm not giving in yet!

Was low 30's this morning, but sun was shining and ride in was awesome. Riding home in the dark sucks since the time change, but beats leaving FZ6 at home. I'm holding out until roads are sanded (or mag-chlor). Even then will probably be able to sneak in a few good days before the serious cold hits.


I'm not giving up either. As long as the road is clear, I have enough gear to keep me fairly warm. I am hoping that we have at least one more slightly warm spell here. Although it was spitting snow/rain today - yuck.
Thats what they made heated liners and gloves for. I there is no snow or ice on the road I will ride. Just so long as it's slippery....
Cuba, you must be out in the western part of the state. Hasn't been too bad here in the Malvern area (about 20 miles west of Philly), but the cold is coming. I'll get in a few more rides, I figure I've had enough when I find myself hugging the engine to keep warm.

At least there's no bugs now. Deer, yes. Wet leaves everywhere, yes.

Just me and my FZ............(to your favorite tune, of course)
You guys have ALL gotta come and live here in The Land Down Under :thumbup: :thumbup: Where we ride all year round :D :D :D I couldnt fathom having to put her away for months at a time :( it would send me LoOpY.....;)
You guys have ALL gotta come and live here in The Land Down Under :thumbup: :thumbup: Where we ride all year round :D :D :D I couldnt fathom having to put her away for months at a time :( it would send me LoOpY.....;)

I agree, and wish I could. Been Down Under many times, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Tamworth, Katoomba, Bathhurst, even made it to Wagga Wagga.

Bummer, never on a bike, though. Had enough trouble driving on the other side of the road. Dealt with that OK, but shifting with my left hand really made me concentrate. Went for a quick shift a few times, nearly opened the door and fell out on my butt!!

Great roads for sure. No traffic (compared to here), good open stretches, and except for the odd 'roo or wallabe, not too many things you have to dodge. I swear I saw a camel last time. Could have been the VB, though. :thumbup:
Ok - so I think I may have taken my last ride of the season today... :(

It was supposed to be 40 degrees - but didn't get there. (The car temp said 33 on the ride home.) I was out of work at 2:30 and since there wasn't a breeze thought a late afternoon ride would be great. Was all suited up and on the road by 3:30. Did a 25 mile loop including a short jaunt into town for a gas fill up (and we are at $2.19/gal now - wow!). 4 miles from home I was cold and realized I was probably nuts - all the odd looks from cars didn't tell me that earlier.

The gear held up great though! The Pinlock shield didn't fog over and the Fieldsheer Four Season Pants were nice and toasty. My gloves sucked though. Have another pair on order. And I could have used one more layer under the coat.

But... I still had a blast and am still smiling!! :thumbup: