"Pop Quiz Hotsot, what da u do"

When it rains and you're riding, what do you do?

  • Keep going, try to beat the rain, get to your destination

    Votes: 15 9.5%
  • Keep going, being cautious of the slippery stuff

    Votes: 129 81.6%
  • Find a nice spot to stop and let it pass

    Votes: 17 10.8%
  • Stop, realizing that the rain mixed with road crude is SLICK

    Votes: 14 8.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I only use my car for carrying stuff (kayaks etc). I ride year round, rain, hail or shine. If I'm not dressed for it then I usually find the nearest overpass and park under it while I gear up for weather (nearly always carry something...lol.):thumbup:
really it all depends, I usually won't go far from home if there is substantial rain in the forecast. If I happen to get caught in the rain and more than a few miles from home I pull over and see if I think it may not last long but even if it doesnt feel like it is going to i will still pull over and let the rain rinse off at least a little bit of the nasty stuff..... your going to get wet regardless.....
I created this post not only to see how many of us ride in the rain but I knew that it would spark some good advice and pointers for doing so. Thank you all for the advice.

You are all AWESOME.

+1 again! And, stay off the painted lines, symbols, arrows, etc.... as much as possible. That's like an ice rink!

And Pete, the image of you falling out of your leathers was damned funny to a guy with an over-active imagination! :rof:

Man, you and Sideshow are killing me. I was wearing a tee shirt and a running shorts underneath. Granted I did have dark blue boot socks too!
As long as my Tyres are in good condition, i keep riding. Rain does not really bother me, have got used to it, being a all year rouind rider.

Good wet weather gear makes it a lot more comfortable, and of course, much more finessing is required, but riding in the rain can still be a fun ride.....just gotta take the conditions on board and adapt.....respect the road!

I usually say "Bugger, I knew I should have put my rain suit on" and then hope I get to my destination before it gets through to my underwear.

As someone else said. 'If you don't ride in the rain you don't ride', which is particularly true if you live in Belgium where it rains non stop for most of the year.
Rain is just another excuse for me to ride.

I love it. I love the way the bike sounds. I love the extra challenge of keeping dry and upright. I'm with evorybody else. Be extra careful when it first starts raining. Beware of metal and painted surfaces. SLICK!! Also, be careful of where you place your foot/feet at a stop. Oil slicks at instersections are notorious for causing zero speed drops.

It's almost always enjoyable if your prepared. I went for a nice aimless rain ride yesterday and learned one lesson.. Make sure the rain liners in your riding pants are pulled down over you boots. For the first time ever I ended up with both boots full of cold water. That kinda sucked. Which reminds me... wear wool socks at all times. If they do get soaked they wring out nicely, dry quickly and they wick moisture away from your feet.
My option isn't listed. It's \"Stop, pull your rain suit out of the tail bag, put it on and keep riding.\"

Rainsuit... almost NEVER leave home without it. Here in New England, it can rain at any time for any duration. Always be prepared.

+ 1 on that. :thumbup:
i have never stopped because it is raining, and only once or twice i have stopped to put on my rain gear, then i am on my way.
i don't ride in the rain but for good reason lol...if you've been to lubbock...you know that if it rains at ALL it floods...the city has literally no drainage system so the streets are flooded the entire time...most intersections are usually about 4-6 in of water on a afternoon shower
i don't ride in the rain but for good reason lol...if you've been to lubbock...you know that if it rains at ALL it floods...the city has literally no drainage system so the streets are flooded the entire time...most intersections are usually about 4-6 in of water on a afternoon shower

I lived In Odessa for well over 15 years and know exactly what your talking about. Flash floods were the rule not the exception. If it rained it flooded! I drove a Chevy Camaro back then, and didn't even want to drive that for fear of stalling.
Well, like Defy said. I hate riding with limited visibility. If I can't see where I am going I can't enjoy riding. Rain is also rare here so, I can have a break, let it pass and enjoy my ride. If I have to keep riding, I put my raisuit on and continue.
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