Photography Thread !!!

So the wife topped up the soap dispenser :spank:


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^^^^^^^ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Yep that looks like a WHOLE lotta afternoon fun to me.................... Curse you Aussie gun laws :rant: :rant: :rant: & Martin Bryant :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:
Still having trouble with Ektar 100 in the Mamiya. (Mainly the lady developing it pushing the exposure which turns shadows on this film green)

Got a couple of good ones nonetheless.


Also, from the D600...


This one was for a scavenger hunt.
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Finally got a worthy cam (not a DSLR, but one of the better compacts.. Lumix LX5)

.. and I just got this tool (for bicycles).. thought I'd give macro focus a try :thumbup:

Nice! What do you ride?

Currently have 6 bicycles (3 are my wife's):

1. Litespeed Vela (road)
2. Sette Derro (mtb)
3. Mongoose Pinn'r (DH)
4. Basso Reef (road)
5. Titus Motolite (mtb)
6. IronHorse 7point7 (DH)

.. + 3 frames hanging in the basement.. along with enough parts to built up 3-4 more bikes :eek:

Cycling has been my passion for the past ~15 years, though I must admit lately I find myself choosing to twist the throttle over pedaling.
Yer gonna make me want an FZ1...

Humpy, as for gun laws... My GF didn't want to shoot my AR-15 at the range, she had shoulder surgery and doesn't trust shooting a rifle. So then about 2 weeks ago she says she wants to shoot my 12 guage shotgun. Umm, I believe it has a LOT more recoil than the AR! If the U.S. gets in with this United Nations crap we may see our guns go away too. Our president seems to think foreign governments can make U.S. policy.
These are a few pictures I have taken with my Powershot around where I grew up in California.

From behind my house up the hill a little ways. The mountain in the background is Mt. Shasta, one of the taller mountains in California.

Same mountain, from a different spot.

Mountain runoff
Purchased a new lens the other day. Canon 50mm f1.4. Should be arriving soon and am excited to try it out! Supposed to snow tomorrow also, so I'm hoping to get some snowfall pics. Might be a bit hard when I work all day :(
As I seem to be incapable of getting it, anyone have any humming bird pictures? Wings stopped in motion - or well anything w/a hummer. . . (NOT h1, h2, h3 lol). . .