Photography Thread !!!

Here is something a little different from the usual Humpy style :thumbup: A couple of them you have seen before but I have been learning so much in PS I thought I would revisit them :D




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Definitely nothing special about this individual photo -- just happened to be the one I loaded into Photoshop and started messing around with using the FilterForge plugin. Guess I could have at least removed the vehicles from the original before starting :D This would belong more in a Photoshop thread than anything, but what the heck.....
Definitely nothing special about this individual photo -- just happened to be the one I loaded into Photoshop and started messing around with using the FilterForge plugin. Guess I could have at least removed the vehicles from the original before starting :D This would belong more in a Photoshop thread than anything, but what the heck.....

I really really REALLY like the water colour one :thumbup: Im going to look into this plugin when I get home :D
I've gone from 35mm photography to doing medium format photography for the last 10 years or so all in black and white 120 film. A couple of weeks ago I picked up a 1964 Graflex Century folding camera to try something new. It takes 2 1/4 X 3 1/4 negatives with a Zeiss 3.5 lens. It's a lot of work since it's a rangefinder/ground glass focusing system with no internal light meter and makes you think about every shot you take. Here's a picture of the camera along with one of the pictures I took with it.

I also just picked up this Leica D-Lux 5 digital camera yesterday to have something easy to pack around with me for street photography. I'll be going up to San Francisco next weekend for the Chinese New Year's parade in Chinatown and will post some pics from the Leica afterwards.
I also just picked up this Leica D-Lux 5 digital camera yesterday to have something easy to pack around with me for street photography. I'll be going up to San Francisco next weekend for the Chinese New Year's parade in Chinatown and will post some pics from the Leica afterwards.

You will really Lika the Leica ;) that is a seriously nice bit of kit :thumbup:
Thanks Humpy, I had a really had time pulling the trigger on it because of the price but one I got it in my hands, wow! Can't wait to shoot with it. :BLAA:
They do look great Daryl, but like I've said to you before, the idea of hot chocolate and baileys together - makes me want to be sick ...... You have weird ideas up there in the snow..... Would keep you warm when you're ice-fishing though.

O.K., so having gotten my Leica D-Lux 5 a week ago I finally got a chance to use it Sunday at the San Francisco Chinese New Year's celebration. I'm still learning to use all of its functions to their fullest but I was seriously impressed with the color rendition and the super sharp lens. Here's a couple of pics and there's a link in my sig to my Flickr account for those interested.
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Here is a gallery from my time as a photographer for the Journal Of Emergency Medicine. First one was the cover for January and one of the others was used in a story, but I can't remember which.

Police, Fire & Paramedic - Mike Langford

I can't wait for good weather to get some pics of the FZ6. I need to look back through my external HD for all of the motorsports stuff I did. Those were fun.
Just got a new dart board and thought it'd look good in a wide angle perspective shot.

Also, I was screwing with the RAW menu in photoshop and it's waaaay better than tweaking WB and saturation settings in-camera every time the lighting changes.
