Painteed Windscreen


Finally Summer
Elite Member
Jul 26, 2007
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Colorado Springs, CO
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I painted my windscreen the other day as a quick, easy, cheap mod.

IMHO i think that this mod was easier then the sticker removal mod. In total i think i took a total of about 45 minutes. I used Krylon Fusion black spray paint. Also i sprayed the back of the screen so its still possible to polish the outside for a nice shine.

First i removed the screen washed it with dish soap and water, let it dry in the sun then whiped it down with a rag.

Then i used masking tape to tape off the edges so i would get a nice crisp edge. I also taped the whole front of the screen so i didnt get any overspray.( i was probably being too careful)

I then sprayed multiply light coats of black to the inside of the screen. Waiting about one minute inbetween coats as recomended on the paint can. After i achieved the disired level of black i was looking for i went inside and ate a sandwich while i waited for the paint to dry.

The directions say to wait 15 minutes for the paint to dry i gave it about 25 just to be sure. Then i removed all the tape and remounted the screen and just enjoyed the new look.

Personally i dont think there is a better mod for less than $10
That looks GREAT! Did you sand the poly at all before applying the paint?
I may have to do this on my stock screen for kicks! Especially since Ron Ayers sells them new for under $40!
I have the exact same bike as you, and I think this looks great!

P.S. Man, please tell me you are getting some frame sliders soon...
I have the exact same bike as you, and I think this looks great!

P.S. Man, please tell me you are getting some frame sliders soon...

Ive looked into it but i just havent ordered them yet. Im only home for a few more days before i go back to the sand box andthe bike gets put away for another 6 months. I think i will order some for when i get back though
Was about to spend some $ on a new dark shield but the stocker works fine..thanks, gonna pick up some fusion black today for my blue/black 07 :thumbup:
Has anybody done this on a red 2006? I like the look on the 08 but since it's windscreen is different than mine I would like to see some pictures of the 2006.
Ive looked into it but i just havent ordered them yet. Im only home for a few more days before i go back to the sand box andthe bike gets put away for another 6 months. I think i will order some for when i get back though

Sorry you have to go back there! We'll pray for your safe return once more.

Thanks for serving! Thanks for my freedom!
Has anybody done this on a red 2006? I like the look on the 08 but since it's windscreen is different than mine I would like to see some pictures of the 2006.

If you take a straight on pic of your bike i will come up with some Photoshops of what it could look like if you have no luck with the real pics.
Well... after much thought, I do believe that I will give this a try on my '06 this weekend. Since the screen is substantially larger, I'm hoping that it will turn out ok. Regardless, I'm sure that it will look great! :D

Will post pics once I get it done.

looks good, i want to do this but i use a tank cam every now and then and this would eliminate that. :confused:
I have a 06 also, but when I bought mine, it had a dark smoke screen on it.But I plan on painting my glossy black also. Heres a picture of the front of the bike.
if anyone is looking for a stock 07+ screen to paint i have my stock one that i would sell pretty cheap. then you could have 2, mine is mint and clear, but you wouldn't have to leave it that way, or you could pay us some extra and we could paint a design on there for you before shipping...
Look great. Let us know how long the paint lasts. Usually if you dont sand it will peel after about 6months or so. Especially if you ride in the rain and let it sit in the sun a lot.

Yours might last forever, its just my experiences in using the no sanding required paint didnt last too long.

I guess on the bright side you could always touch it up with the same can for a long time.