Ozfazer6 meets Roo!

Dunno if I can get there mate. Sent a PM. i can come round now if you like though...lol. Hoot, Hoot! (That's night owl speak:D)
The Roo must have been wearing ATGATT!! :BLAA:

Kangaroos wear kangaroo leather, the same stuff most racing suits are made of. No wonder they are so durable....

Glad that the OP is ok. We have sort of a similar problem with reindeers in northern Finland, sometimes they are all over the place.
I've seen loads of deer here too now:(. Some bright spark thought Venison might find a market here, so we scored some deer. Deer found freedom, and had relations:BLAA:. There are deer on the Eagle on the hill. Lots of them live near Myponga reservoir, and I know of a number of folk hitting deer down near the Mount. Wasn't bad enough with the freaking Kangaroos:rolleyes:.

On the bright side, at least it's not like up North. I'd hate to go riding and shmack a water buffalo:eek:. Game over, no extra man.
Just saw this thread...only been on here a few days but I'm glad to hear your ok. Gutted about the bike! I wrote of my honda 3months back..had a difference of opinion with a driver about who's bit of tarmac it was!
did lead me to get my Fazer though so not all bad :)

Oh and it may just be the nurse in me but I wanna see the gory pics!

get well soon :thumbup:
Just saw this thread...only been on here a few days but I'm glad to hear your ok. Gutted about the bike! I wrote of my honda 3months back..had a difference of opinion with a driver about who's bit of tarmac it was!
did lead me to get my Fazer though so not all bad :)

Oh and it may just be the nurse in me but I wanna see the gory pics!

get well soon :thumbup:

:welcome:, and congrats on the Fazer. Sorry to hear about the Honda, and hope you faired alright yourself.
I am NOT a nurse, but I also want to see the gory pics!! :ban:
:welcome:, and congrats on the Fazer. Sorry to hear about the Honda, and hope you faired alright yourself.
I am NOT a nurse, but I also want to see the gory pics!! :ban:

concussion, broken thumb and more bruises than i could count.... not bad for bouncing over a car at 40mph... i was a lucky girl....
I'm loving the ATGATT :)

Living in the UK, the idea of having a kangaroo randomly leap in front of me is astounding! worst I have to deal with is drunk teenagers and kamikazee pigeons! :eek:
Here is a google earth pic of the corner I crashed on.
I rounded the corner heading north and the roo came from the trees on the right.
Here is a google earth pic of the corner I crashed on.
I rounded the corner heading north and the roo came from the trees on the right.

Damn...i thought i could see the Roo that got ya for a second...Standing back, "flipping the bird" at the camera! :D
Here is a google earth pic of the corner I crashed on.
I rounded the corner heading north and the roo came from the trees on the right.

I've seen a Ducati parked up against a big tree on the north side of that corner. It's a bad enough turn with it being over a crest as well as having an intersecting road without a boinger hunting you down:(.

Actually, I nearly got cleaned up heading south on that turn when a moron pulled out right in front of me from the side road, then froze up parked across the road, and a boy racer was sitting about 3 feet off my 4$$. Somehow managed the turn onto the side road (two wheel drifting the whole way through the gravel). Parked the bike and walked back for some edu-macation of said boy racer, who made the near fatal error of getting out of the car:eek:. Wolfman knows the story...lol. Mikey 1. Boy racer 0.

I'm willing to bet a dollar he never sits on a motorbike's 4$$ again.....EVER! :thumbup:
Glad to hear you are OK! Damn, that's crazy ... hitting a kangaroo. Is this a common thing for bikers down there?
Glad to hear you are OK! Damn, that's crazy ... hitting a kangaroo. Is this a common thing for bikers down there?

A better term would be 'not uncommon' :eek: I have a 6-7 kilometre run along a Skippy infested section of highway less than a K from home & see them all the time but i've never really given them to much thought , just been alert but not alarmed (where have I heard that before ?) but since this happened to Mick im finding myself using cars/trucks as protection while riding it ;)

They are a pest in this country & not so cute & cuddly when they try & kill my mates :spank: Stupid Furry Caterpillars :rant:
Jeez! I don't show up for a few days and another mate down!?!? Mick! Sorry to hear about the jumper and the off but damned glad you'll be riding on that new FZ8 real soon now! This is a hard way to get one though. ;) Very happy it isn't anything worse for ya!

Heal fast and I hope the insurance does you right! Cheers!
Shizer mate, I'm laggin on the news... Now I've caught up, glad to hear your on the mend and hope the insurance co. comes to the party with a few kegs (so to speak)!

Bloody roos, not bad eatin though, if everyone in Australia ate roo meat, we'd have enough to survive for a thousand years I'm sure! We could feed the world!! :drool:
Shizer mate, I'm laggin on the news... Now I've caught up, glad to hear your on the mend and hope the insurance co. comes to the party with a few kegs (so to speak)!

Bloody roos, not bad eatin though, if everyone in Australia ate roo meat, we'd have enough to survive for a thousand years I'm sure! We could feed the world!! :drool:

In Australia we should be farming and eating roo, not cows! Cows have hard hoof's and as such are destroying our native environment...cows ate not native to Australia!

Kangaroo's are native, and have a soft hoof!

Will never happen though!