Old forum address no longer working


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May 5, 2007
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I never bothered to change to the new address, and kept using the FZ6-Forum.com site but now it leads to Yamaha Motorsports. I do like the silver and blue that they have incorporated into this year bikes.
I never bothered to change to the new address, and kept using the FZ6-Forum.com site but now it leads to Yamaha Motorsports. I do like the silver and blue that they have incorporated into this year bikes.

That redirect started happening just recently. Heard a few people mention it in different areas.
That redirect started happening just recently. Heard a few people mention it in different areas.

Just got my lap top back from repair and yep, the forum was gone.. Great, computers still broke.

Figured it out, did a search and re-set favorites...

Damn I hate setting up new freshly wiped puters..........:(
Hi everyone. Yamaha requested the domain names and we agreed that Yamaha would be the best party to manage and control the domain names. This website is independently operated and not associated with Yamaha. The information on this website is not approved or endorsed by Yamaha in any way.

Our new domain has the number one position on the search engines...
If I google "fz6 forum" this site is currently #3. You might want to change the main forum banner to read "600riders.com".

Give it a week.. It will be number one...:cheer:
Yes if happen to me.. i recently looked at Yamaha website and taught it had taken over my bookmark. Searched for the site and re bookmarked it.