Ohlins question (adjustable length needed?)


Old-School Member
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Pennsylvania
Now that I am employed again, I've been keeping my eyes out for an Ohlins (or other suitable brand) rear shock to upgrade the rear suspension of my FZ6 and pretty much finish out my mods.

My question deals with the two different models available for the FZ6. As far as I can tell, we have the YA402 and the YA543, with the YA402 being the S46HR1C1 and the YA543 being the S46HR1C1L. The difference there is that the YA543 has adjustable length and the YA402 does not.

Is adjustable length something that matters enough that I shouldn't get a YA402 if one would come up? In what circumstances would the adjustable length be needed? I ride one-up 99% of the time if that matters.
adjustable length allows you to raise the rear ride height without increasing preload, so you can sharpen the steering without affecting bump absorption.
adjustable length allows you to raise the rear ride height without increasing preload, so you can sharpen the steering without affecting bump absorption.


Instead of raising the fork tubes in the clamps to adjust chassis attitude, you lengthen the rear shock length. I had mine set up 10 mm longer, and with the correct fork mods that made the bike steer every bit as sharply as I wanted.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm glad that I didn't pull the trigger on the YA402 on eBay last night, as I wanted the adjustable height. :)

I hope somebody on the forum was the one who bought today.