New member, new rider


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Feb 21, 2009
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Liverpool, UK
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Hey guys,

Expecting my new FZ6 N on the 16th of this month, had an R6 before this but it wasn't for me really.

Probably one of the youngest members on here at 19 tbh but I loved the bike and can't wait to get my hands on it!

Greetings from the UK,

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Hey guys,

Expecting my new FZ6 N on the 16th of this month, had an R6 before this but it wasn't for me really.

Probably one of the youngest members on here at 19 tbh but I loved the bike and can't wait to get my hands on it!

Greetings from the UK,

Alright la?

Welcome to the site, MCN gave the FZ6 very good reviews. I look forward to hearing how you compare it against the R6.

Yeh Alan like yours mate and I will get some pics up in about 2 weeks Gromit so you can have a nosey at it, I'll just bump this thread back up when I get them.

Lol la, I wasn't expecting that I can tell you that much. Yeh I'll give my opinion on it but I'm far from an expert or an experianced rider tbh and the R6 I had was a 2001 so its a fair bit older but I'll give it a bash. I got rid of the R6 because of a knee problem I have which caused blistering agony due to the aggressive positioning but my knee is alot better now so I should probably be able to ride one in the future as I do fancy another one further along the line (Not before an FZ1 though!). :)
welcome buddy..the FZ6 is a great bike Naked or faired..good choice on the coulor too :thumbup:
Yay, someone my age who realizes what an awesome bike the FZ is!! I had my choice between the R6s and the FZ and because of my knee problem went for the FZ too.

Haha, glad its not just me with my knee, bloody rugby. FZ is an awesome bike, seen my mates one and thought "I like that" :)