New Member from Oregon


Cold as Ice
Feb 5, 2008
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Hello everybody just got registered here so i thought i would start it off right. Here are a few shots of my 2004 that i have owned for close to a year now.



Welcome mate .. !! :thumbup:

Two bro's look awsome ;)

You lucky lucky man for living in Oregon .... I was in Portland in 2002 for 2 weeks for adventurous training ... what a place !! I loved it.

Enjoy the forum

thanks for the warm welcome. ive been a member of the forum for a while but i just found this one and it looked like a good place with a lot of info.
Sunshine only??? I was in Corvallis today. I'm in Stayton, close enough for a good ride come spring...
Hey, welcome Dude! Oregon is a beautiful state. I envy all the cool roads and canyons you have. The FZ looks sweet too!
Welcome mate. The 2Bros look awesome. I'm thinking of getting them myself. Did you install a power commanderIII?

i havent installed a PCIII yet i really should but they are so freakin expensive and im using the poor college student rationalization. Ill eventually get one installed.
Sunshine only??? I was in Corvallis today. I'm in Stayton, close enough for a good ride come spring...

and i think that would be sweet. Ive been looking for a fellow FZ6er to ride with. there are a few of them on campus here but i havent found anyone who wants to go for a decent ride. maybe a possible cowder run com april.
very nice looking rear.. if that isn't too strange to say... but that clear alternatives looks good (how is the visibility thought?) and thos cans are drop dead sexy!!!

Welcome to the forum.
very nice looking rear.. if that isn't too strange to say... but that clear alternatives looks good (how is the visibility thought?) and thos cans are drop dead sexy!!!

The visibility isnt terrible... that being said it could be a whole lot better. Out in bright sunlight it gets a little hard to see. But then again if your dependent on your turn signals as your means for cagers to avoid you, you've already made a mistake. But most of the time i feel comfortable with it.