New Grips – Throttle side won’t stick !


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Jun 13, 2009
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So Cal
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Just installed new grips last evening.
I got a set of ProGrip Sport Gel, I cut the OEM ones out, cleaned the bar and the throttle from any old glue, etc, then cleaned even more with rubbing alcohol, then slide the new ones with Hairspray as recommended.

The left side felt glued and strongly planted in minutes, perfect, but the throttle side was rotating around even this morning, after sitting for 12 hours. The size seems fine, but the hairspray doesn’t adhere.

So I left the bike in the garage this morning for that hairspray to cure and I’ll check again this evening, but if is still sliding around this evening, I have no choice but to take it off & glue it to the throttle tube.

I tried to avoid gluing it, but it looks like I may have no choice.

Any suggestions?
I only have experience with the stock grips but I've taken mine off many times with water and then reseated them with water. It took a couple of hours to completely dry because, obviously, there is no air circulation. They stuck every time though. You might recheck to make sure the fit is extra tight and then try less spray next time. In theory, they should stick just with the natural friction of the rubber and the pressure they exert on the throttle bar.