New Bruce Fab Exhaust


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Jul 17, 2007
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Orange County, CA
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Hey all, I talked to a company by the name of Bruce Fabrication over the past week and got them to throw together an exhaust for my Fz6. I pick my bike up tomorrow, so I'll do a sound clip then. I was holding out for the two brothers for obvious reasons, but I couldn't pass up the deal these guys gave me! Here's the link. There are some videos up on youtube of other bikes with this type of exhaust for comparison.

I had to throw up this pic, the red tips match the paint so closely!!
So, your bike is the FZ6 prototype for the company? Let's have them get in contact with Dennis to become an advertiser here and maybe a group purchase? Discount for forum members?

Those cans are :cool:
Now that is pretty darn cool. Good looking mufflers. Are they loud, as the look like a straight muffler with no db killer?

I've got these guys bookmarked for my exhaust project. Thanks! :thumbup:
Looking good. I checked out the link and it sounds great, except for the Hyosung one.... sounds choppy cheap.
The exhaust is finished!:D:D:D ....almost. :(

Now, the reason behind the late response:

The Y-pipe had to be outsourced to their welder in the next county. They said he would be able to get it done over the weekend, but it was Easter weekend...I figured it would take longer than they said. I kept checking with them until they said it would be ready that Thursday, and when I finally got their call I was so excited! I drove down to the shop immediately, and was AMAZED at how beautiful the cans were! ...until I looked at it from the rear. :eek:
The pipes were spread apart at the rear (instead of coming to a point or parallel similar to the two brothers, scorpions, etc.), the left exhaust was definitely at a different angle than the right, and the pipes were rotated at a strange angle.

Okay, so this is where things get a little complicated, so I'll spare the details...

The owner and myself had some differences in what we defined "prototype" as, and was unwilling to modify the current Y-pipe to reposition the cans in a more fluid design (...that wasn't crooked), and we determined we shouldn't do further business together. :confused:

I was confused as to why he was unwilling to work with a customer that was genuinely interested in helping his business, as well as coming out with a great looking/sounding exhaust design, at the same time. It seemed that every time I said anything about needing to change the y-pipe, he took it as a personal attack on his manhood/business/credibility, and would say "What you're asking for can't be done. You're asking for a 1/4 inch." The problem is, a 1/4 inch where the y-pipe meets the cans is really about 3 or 4 inches at the exit...So, it was a big deal to me. :spank::ban:

Hopefully the photos can help you guys see why I was asking for an alteration.

I am currently working with my uncle and his friend with a MIG welder to come up with a y-pipe design that is more flattering of the Fz6 with this exhaust. Any help, or threads with y-pipe design are greatly appreciated BTW!


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Too bad, I was very excited about those cans. I don't like the look of most of the exhausts by other manufacturers. Those seemed to have great potential, too bad about the owner being a jerk.
Too bad, I was very excited about those cans. I don't like the look of most of the exhausts by other manufacturers. Those seemed to have great potential, too bad about the owner being a jerk.

Yea, I was bummed to see he didn't want to work with me... I was considering bringing my y-pipe design back to them so they can make a jig for the benefit of the other fz6 owners when my design is finished, but I am not particularly excited about helping out someone who was so unwilling to help me in the end.

I may just buy the cans and hardware from the company, and sell the package with my own Y-pipe and instructions for install. I'm not sure if that infringes on any laws in California, and would not like to find out the hard way.
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I may just buy the cans and hardware from the company, and sell the package with my own Y-pipe and instructions for install. I'm not sure if that infringes on any laws in California, and would not like to find out the hard way.

Good thinking, although being the kind of "business man" he seems to be, he may get suspicious if you are buying lots of cans from him! I would just cut your losses with this clown and move on.

That's unbelievebale what's happened to you in this situation! Willing to put your bike on the line and offer it up as a prototype so he could probably greatly bennifit from then being able to sell FZ6 exhausts! Even if he "lost money" on yours, once he has the setup, he can pump them out!?!?! It's boggles my mind, and your's I'm sure.

Show him a picture of a set of Scropions or Two Brothers so he has a reference of what quality and properly aligned pipes should look like! Would also give him the first clue of what his compitition is doing! He's probably only used to (and capible) of making single pipe setups!

When you look at the photo from the rear, any self respecting fabricator would take one look at that and go, "hmm, we need to correct this". So right there you know how well a fabricator this clown is. No attentnion to detail, and in the world of motorcycles that goes a LONG way! I mean how can one argue that that looks 'correct'; prototype or not! Take some satisfaction that if this is the quality of work he is happy with, he won't make much money!

Well, if you want, I'll be the 2nd to sign up to a Bruce Fab boycot! Just say the word! :ban:

In the end, I'm sure you will be able to fix this. Lets face it the cans are nice and are not the problem; just the Y-pipe and that's just a matter of 'plumbing'. Maybe work with a local muffler company OR perhaps buy an existing Y-Pipe from somebody like Two Brothers? Would that work?
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Yeah, that's too bad... I actually like the angled out look, but the alignment is terrible. I hope you get it sorted.
Man, if there is one thing I can't stand, it's crappy customer service. You would think that a company, especially in tough times like these, would do whatever they could to get more business. They need to do all they can to hang on to every last customer, and that guy is retarded for botching what could have been potentially huge sales for an fz6 exhaust. I say we all email them and tell them how dumb they are :D
I am definitely looking to upgrade my exhaust in the future so when I first saw what you were working on I was pretty happy. I was just waiting to see and hear the finished product on your bike to decide if this was for me or not.

If this guy hadn't jerked you around I am sure that he would have had a lot of people looking to buy.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I'm sorry to hear how much of a pain it turned into.