Need help with speedo!


Junior Member
Mar 21, 2008
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Hi everyone,
At the end of last year my digital display started playing up - basically it gradually lost its functions bit by bit until nothing was visible - you can see it still registers everything but just can't display it. I rode it through the winter til December so thought it might have got some water in to the unit.
I stored it over winter and fired it up last weekend, hoping the the display had dried out but no luck - its just as it was.
I've had a look at the unit and doesn't look like its a sealed unit (not that i'd be much good at fixing it!)
So, basically I just wondered if anyone knew where I could source a new unit - have searched ebay and online but had no luck. I know the part number is 5VX-83500-20-00 but just can't find one.
Does anybody have any ideas before I start calling round scrap yards?!!?
Any help would be much appreciated,
Will :thumbup:
Yeh I found the newer model that was for sale - I've seen quite a few R6 clocks on eBay - but don't have a clue whether any other displays would fit onto an FZ6.
Just going to need something to get through the MOT I guess, and also so I know how quick I'm going now and again!!
Sorry, but are you sure it's the unit? Could there be a faulty connector?
Sorry, but are you sure it's the unit? Could there be a faulty connector?

I'm not 100% sure its the unit - which connectors could be at fault and are they easily accessible for me to check myself? I'm not very technically minded but I'm willing to have a go!
