need help. in love with cousin.

funny that i see this thread, just last week I listed to a long segment about this topic on the radio, they were making fun of a website called maybe its just what you need?????
I thought this was going to be some sort of joke about the Southeastern US!!! WOH!!! I was with my girlfriend for 6 years before getting married. You're talking about marrying someone you don't know at all because she got a rise out of

Don't know how hard it is for you to meet/talk with girls outside of your family since you are from a traditional Indian family...but there has got to be some sort of socialization there.

Can't resist...old southern saying that is too wrong...yet appropriate for this somehow...

"If you can't keep it in your pants...keep it in the family.":eek::eek::eek:
At first, I was not going to read any of this.. but as I was reading the 'advice' that you boys were giving out.. you are all very cute and sweet.. I especially liked the advice to wait and it will happen naturally.. that is very very true. And when it happens you will know. I just about gave up on the idea of getting married, then out of the blue I get a call from an old friend that I secretly was in love with... now we are very happily married. It can happen.

Good luck, don't give up..
Let us not get high and mighty on the guy for posting some pictures of a celeb.....would you post pics of the real person if you were in his shoes?

Perhaps he realized it was not meant to be and from that point onwards wanted to take this post in a different non-serious direction.

Just playing devil's advocate is all...
You guys are too awesome. That's all I have to say at this point anyway.

As for this girl, I just thought she was kinda hot is all. Was waiting for a ride so I posted this thread.

I fall in and out of "love" about once a week. Last week it was a new waitress at this mongolian restaurant I go to sometimes. Started talking to her but she had a boyfriend so kinda dried up that well.

Next week? I dont know...but ill keep you all posted....

(hidden camera pictures and EVERYTHING!!!)
My looney bun is fine Benny Lava.

[ame=]YouTube - Crazy Indian Video... Buffalaxed![/ame]
let us not get high and mighty on the guy for posting some pictures of a celeb.....would you post pics of the real person if you were in his shoes?

Perhaps he realized it was not meant to be and from that point onwards wanted to take this post in a different non-serious direction.

Just playing devil's advocate is all...

sorry! :(
I may be crazy but it's the truth.............

Don't look for anyone. You are actively looking for someone to court. Which NEVER works. I do a lot of people watching and have come up with this hypothesis. No matter where you fit in society. Whether rich or poor, you will always have close friends and significant others that are similar to you in regards to personality and the way you look.

Some may find that offensive. The way you look? Are you kidding me? Be honest with yourself and the people around you. When you go out, if you see someone, the first thing you will most likely notice is the way they LOOK. You don't know who they are, where they come from or what they are about. You judge right away on the way they look. The way they look most of the time is what initially draws you in or out. Then once you get to know them their personality either draws you in or pushes you away. Someone can be attractive but their personality will bring them down that they are no longer attractive to you as a whole person. And vice versa.

I have asked everyone I know to look at their friends, their family, their coworkers and just random people out and about and observe the things I am saying right now. At first people think I'm crazy. They think I have no idea what I'm talking about until they go off and observe. They end up telling me "oh my god, you are right!"

You can get a new job and within minutes, know the coworkers you will get along with or like. Sometime you may not even talk to them for awhile.

There is a difference between acquaintance and close friend. Most feel the most comfortable around people they are similar to. And everyone has their number. I can't pinpoint what that is but everyone has their own 1 to 10. And in each person's 1 to 10 there is someone that fits within their range. Too far above and too far below will make for a fit that isn't very compatible. There must be balance. Most of the time this is true. I say most of the time because there are alway exceptions to everything.

What happens to the blonde bimbo bombshell that is "attracted" to the awkward wealthy old man. That is not a connection. The bonds of that relationship mean nothing. Nothing is deeply rooted most of the time. But there always is a "possibility".

So for you, there is no way you should evenbe saying "I think it's time to get married". Dating people is one thing. People date just for the sake of it. Whether it's their lonely or they want some ass or they are actually looking. BUT, the ones that really just happen to just find that person, to just stumble across their soul mate, their true love, those people most of the time have not been looking for it or haven't been looking for it at that specific time or place. Live life, love yourself and figure yourself out. The person of your dreams will stumble across your path.
I may be crazy but it's the truth.............

Don't look for anyone. You are actively looking for someone to court. Which NEVER works. I do a lot of people watching and have come up with this hypothesis. No matter where you fit in society. Whether rich or poor, you will always have close friends and significant others that are similar to you in regards to personality and the way you look.

Some may find that offensive. The way you look? Are you kidding me? Be honest with yourself and the people around you. When you go out, if you see someone, the first thing you will most likely notice is the way they LOOK. You don't know who they are, where they come from or what they are about. You judge right away on the way they look. The way they look most of the time is what initially draws you in or out. Then once you get to know them their personality either draws you in or pushes you away. Someone can be attractive but their personality will bring them down that they are no longer attractive to you as a whole person. And vice versa.

I have asked everyone I know to look at their friends, their family, their coworkers and just random people out and about and observe the things I am saying right now. At first people think I'm crazy. They think I have no idea what I'm talking about until they go off and observe. They end up telling me "oh my god, you are right!"

You can get a new job and within minutes, know the coworkers you will get along with or like. Sometime you may not even talk to them for awhile.

There is a difference between acquaintance and close friend. Most feel the most comfortable around people they are similar to. And everyone has their number. I can't pinpoint what that is but everyone has their own 1 to 10. And in each person's 1 to 10 there is someone that fits within their range. Too far above and too far below will make for a fit that isn't very compatible. There must be balance. Most of the time this is true. I say most of the time because there are alway exceptions to everything.

What happens to the blonde bimbo bombshell that is "attracted" to the awkward wealthy old man. That is not a connection. The bonds of that relationship mean nothing. Nothing is deeply rooted most of the time. But there always is a "possibility".

So for you, there is no way you should evenbe saying "I think it's time to get married". Dating people is one thing. People date just for the sake of it. Whether it's their lonely or they want some ass or they are actually looking. BUT, the ones that really just happen to just find that person, to just stumble across their soul mate, their true love, those people most of the time have not been looking for it or haven't been looking for it at that specific time or place. Live life, love yourself and figure yourself out. The person of your dreams will stumble across your path.

you are wise, mon ami.

advice taken to heart.
Like they say around here. Dee dul Dee dee dee, Doo Dil dee dee dee.

Then the whole you got a pretty mouth and yeah. Kentucky is wierd. I know a guy that honest to God was trying to save a deers life by cutting its broken leg off with a circular saw, then trying to cauterise the wound with a acetalyne torch. (It died, chopping the femoral artery and all.)

Also another guy I know got a free Lama, it scared his horses so bad one of them jumped up on a metal fence pole and cuts its chest open big enough to stick in a basketball. They tied the lama to a tree and tried to find someone to take it. The guys from Butler county showed up in a pickup truck one riding in the back. Asked the mans wife if she had a gun they could borrow. She of course said no. She had one but wasnt giving it to them. LOL Anyway Old boy says this will work and picks up a bat, and wacks the lama in the head a few times untill it is dead. Then they load it and take it off to BBQ.

So basicly if a Canadian is attracted to his cousin thats pretty normal to me.