Need help correcting 2 problems


Enjoying Life!
Jul 27, 2008
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Northwest Chicago suburbs
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I'm looking to buy buy 2 things for my 2006, I figured I'd ask before buying them online (even though this is still kind of buying them online :rolleyes:)....

1st, I'm wanting to buy risers for the handlebars. I would like to be able to sit a little farther back and up when I get uncomfortable. I'm looking for the 1 in. up and 1 in. back, like these... : Handlebar riser barbacks & top clamps (BMW, Ducati, Gas-Gas, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM LC4, MZ, Suzuki, Triumph, Yamaha) - pair, 1" rise & 1" pullback - LEH.00.039.152

2nd, I'm looking for a taller or different shaped windscreen than the stock one. When I'm sitting up the air pocket ends right at my neck and drives me crazy. The wind runs up my helmet (I bought the windjammer 2 and that doesn't help). When I don't wear earplugs the wind noise is SOOOOOO annoying and loud. If I lean forward just a little bit the wind is directed at my helmet causing wind buffeting and that's super loud and annoying too. The ride is actually much quieter on my other bike that has no faring or windscreen at all... (it's quieter but the wind pressure on my body and chest does get a little fatiguing on long rides). So I'm looking for a taller windscreen or something that will help this problem on my FZ6. I was considering a laminar lip as well but wanted to see what you guys might have available. The dealer told me to buy a double bubble but I read on these forums that it makes very little difference.

Anyway, thanks for your help! :thumbup:

How tall are you? What year is your bike?

At 6'3" I found the puig racing screen to work better on long trips than the yamaha regular or yamaha tall screens (2004 FZ6). If you have an 07+ you should consider the CalSci touring screen.
I have the Twisted Throttle Bar Back Offset Risers. The help put me in a position I can deal with.
If you get them I found the quality of the bolt heads is poor and can strip if you are not careful. I'd reccomend putting a little oil on the threads run them in slowly backing out partially as you go - then clean threads for final installation. Second the clamps around the bar are not a perfect to the bar dia so there is a "gap". I ended up using a dremel tool with a drum sander to get a better fit --- in addition:
Bar Buzz was a problem before and after the risers;
I dedicated a lot of time trying to get rid of it -
The reason I'm mentioning there really is not one thing - it's a combination of many small things. What I did with the "bar backs" is tried to put "isolators" between all the metal to metal contact points. Isolators being a combination of rubber washers/O-rings and PVC tape - seemed to help along with lead shot filling the bars, and foam grips.

I have the factory tall windshield, I installed a laminar lip on it by adding a few more scotch locks bending/clamping and heating it to reform. I mounted it as high as I could. All in all just to much turbulance I took it off and am thinking of adding something similar but of my own design using the scotch locks.
Unfortunately there is not much out there for the 06.
I have the Puig double bubble on my 2004, I'm sure it will fit the 2006 too. I'm 6' and the standard screen used to give me a real buffeting but the Puig is great.

I'd post a link but is a POS website!

This is the only pic I have of it, on the Toy Run last year :)

I have the risers & like them very much. I didn't have the problems that the previous poster had, so you decide!
I chose the black powder coat instead of the silver since their silver doesn't match anyway. I've also left off the little black bolt covers............just to be different!:D