My first accident.


Oct 19, 2007
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Well here it is. I finally sat down to post this. I was on my way home from work during rush hour. I was the first one at the light waiting it to turn green on a 2 lane undivided road. There was alot of cars stacked up in the other direction waiting to go. Light changed, I started up the street. Got up to about 30mph when all of the sudden, from the left 20 feet in front of me a car popped out from between two of the cars waiting to go the other way. There was no shoulder or curb on my right so I broke down real hard to the right and tried to manuver between the quickly decreasing space between the cars front end and the grass hill. Wasn't enough room. I locked my brakes and clipped the front corner of his car. Me and the bike did a somersault, landed on our right side (I was on the high side) and cheesegrated to a stop.

As it turned out, the guy was trying to get out of a parking lot on the other side of the street headed in my direction. An idiot left a gap and flagged him on without looking to see that the light changed and vehicles were coming. The guy driving didn't bother to look either and came right out without hesitation.

I brought my helmet with me to the ER. The Dr said if I wasn't wearing my full face helmet, my skull would have been broken apart and my face peeled down (ouch). Maybe i'd be dead. Maybe not. Definetly wouldn't be able to write this either way. When I came to a stop, my bike was still running ( GO YAMAHA !) I shut it off and looked around to asses the situation. My leg was trapped under the bike and was numb. From the look of it, I could see my boot was pointed in the wrong direction. From the way I landed, it caused a spiral fracture of my tibea. The fib broke as a result too. Got a titanium rod implanted in my tib. My shoulder was seperated and got a little road rash.

Lots of witnesses. Police even gave the guy a ticket right on site for being an idiot. Two guys picked my bike up off me. I have seen people with broken legs on tv but never in person. That's one evil site to look down to see your leg pointed one direction and your foot pointed another. What a rush. I've been riding for 5+ years and have seen a good bit of miles. Nothing like the 5 miles in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Moral of the story ? Wear a full face helmet !
Wow, that's amazing that you survived. Best of luck on getting better.

Also, a good reminder not to waive other people on. Even if everything is clear, you shouldn't do it because you are taking responsibility but something unforeseen might happen. When I am with my buddies biking and I pass a car, I won't waive my buddies up if the road ahead is clear so they can pass. I can't predict that someone won't jump out from a side road, etc. It's their decision to pass or not.
^^^^ Good point. The guy that flagged the other guy out was 50%at fault but he got out of there before anyone got his info. I Don't flag anyone on either.
This happened in early October. I get new xrays for my leg next week. If everything looks good, they're giving me a soft cast with a boot so I can start walking a little. I probably won't be back to work till january so I sold my bike and used the insurance money to pay the bills.

Does anyone think our forum will have room for a new naked 2011 Yamaha FZ8 ? That bikes look sweet.
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Wow that's horrible! Hope you recover well.

That's why I don't flag anyone on. If I leave a gap for someone to get out I don't even make eye contact with them.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. And PK's really help with the spirits if you know what I'm sayin :rockon:
Sorry to hear but glad you're able to tell us this yourself! Hope that the healing is fast and 100%!
As other members have said, nobody is doing a favor when you leave a gap to let somebody through. Whenever I see this developing, I am extra careful just for this reason.

To a speedy recovery and hope you come out ahead financially.

there is a plus side to this story, you found a good home for your new taillights.
Good luck and a super fast recovery. You can get what ever motorcycle you want. :thumbup: There is too many brain dead people out there its scarry! ATGATT.
Man that sucks, get well soon and get a new set of wheels. PA drivers really do suck too, I hope to never be writing one of these, it gets scary out there though.
As other members have said, nobody is doing a favor when you leave a gap to let somebody through. Whenever I see this developing, I am extra careful just for this reason.

To a speedy recovery and hope you come out ahead financially.

there is a plus side to this story, you found a good home for your new taillights.

True. I may wind up buying an 07-08 FZ6 and needing a new taillight anyway. Haha.

Unfortunately for me, there were at least 15 cars sitting still waiting for the light to change in the other direction. All the cars were completely stopped before and after the spot where this guy came out from. I didn't even notice any more of a gap than between any of the other cars for that matter. I have gone through the accident a hundred different times in my head trying to come up with something I could have done different. The guy completely blocked the lane and I just didn't have enough room to stop. I did what I could do to minimize the damage. The speed limit was 35. I was doing about 30.

If I ran the light I actually stopped at, I wouldnt be typing this. Had I been riding slower or exceeding the speed limit, I wouldn't have been where I was at that precise moment. Had I called out of work or not worked overtime that day it wouldn't have happened. If I had taken a different route home or if I drove my truck to work that day instead or riding . . . Well you all get the point.

I even had my wife drive me to the accident scene the day I got out of the hospital to 'crutch' up and down to get a better view of the whole thing.

Check this out .. . .The tib break is at the bottom. The fib is near the top. My leg twisted and snaped.
Sorry to hear about this dude, but really glad you're ok and on the mend. Hopefully everything heals well and you'll be 100% in no time!

It's a reality check though about what you said about using the insurance money to pay the bills. Generally I ride pretty safe but of course like some fun too! If something similar happened to me it'd be no work, no money, stuck at home, pressure on my girlfriend to pay for everything etc etc

So I'll be taking it a little more steady on the bike tomorrow!