My brother on Mt Everest


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May 8, 2008
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San Diego, Ca.
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Just want to share this picture with my friends on the forum.

This is my brother who climbed to base camp on Mt Everest last week. This was a very emotional trip for him. It was to say the least, a grueling journey and I am very proud of him. We lost contact with him for a while (he had a so I was pretty worried for a few days but he popped up okay.
There are so many different parts to doing a trip like this. It puts a lot of stress on you and eventually you don't want to eat but have to force the food in and after the "Dead Zone" you get very little sleep. There were a lot of memorial stones set up for people that stayed on the mountain and never returned. My brother told me that a doctor who made the climb had returned from the mountain and just keeled over dead sitting on a bench in town. He took some great pictures.

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Big kudos for him to make that journey. It's got to be one of the single toughest tests of the human soul to start that climb knowing so many others have lost their lives trying. Thanks for sharing Cliff!
Dude, your Brother is a bad a$$!:D Very awesome.....thanks for sharing.:thumbup:
That's a feat I know I'll never even dream of doing myself. That takes a lot of dedication, perseverance, will power, luck, and most of all, mother nature's blessing. Please relay my utmost respect and admiration to your bro!:thumbup:
I will pray for your brothers safe return. What an awsome challenge that is. Whats his name? Why is he climbing? Nelly
WOW:jawdrop:. That's awesome mate. Be great if you can scam some of his pics when he gets back and post 'em:steve:.

Is he going up from base camp, or was base camp his objective?

If he's going of luck from me:thumbup:.

If base camp was his objective, then he's achieved something not too many will:bow:.
I will pray for your brothers safe return. What an awsome challenge that is. Whats his name? Why is he climbing? Nelly

WOW:jawdrop:. That's awesome mate. Be great if you can scam some of his pics when he gets back and post 'em:steve:.

Is he going up from base camp, or was base camp his objective?

If he's going of luck from me:thumbup:.

If base camp was his objective, then he's achieved something not too many will:bow:.

In our family we call my brother "Spanky" They call me "Kipper" Haha!
Yes, Base Camp was his objective. Just getting to Base Camp is grueling. There were times he didn't think he would make it. They had to throw out a lot of weight. They even broke their tooth brush handles to save weight. That's how much difference it makes when you can't get oxygen and have a trek like that. Cold as heck on top of it.(No pun intended)

There were times when his group thought they were going to have trouble with guys with rifles (Mauists? (sp?)) and locals. There was one guy in their group who acted like a butt and started a problem with a local family in a village because of a misunderstanding and lucky it all turned out okay. My brother had a 'heart to heart' with the group member later. He even got bitten on the hand in the beginning of the journey on his first tent night, by a poison spider and needed medical attention. They found the spider....

I can't even begin to write the experiences and education he told me about the first few hours of returning home.

One of the reasons he made this trip is he was in the area a few times working with a friend who started an orphanage. They hike out with medical teams/supplies to the orphanage. These are rescued children......So as you might see, the trip has so many facets.

I can't begin to tell you what I've seen my brother go through the last few years or the heart that he's always had since we were little. He is a person of great and loving character.

When he got to base camp, he set up prayer stones. They're not really religious they are more about love. They are in the picture and I wanted to share them with you. You know..."Share the Love!" In the picture there is a look on his face I haven't seen in a long time. The last time I saw his face like this was when we were children.

On the way back he was in a cab on a roadway when a small 125cc went into a tankslap and crashed in front of them. He yelled for the the cabby to stop. Spank told me that when this stuff happens there they just keep going and treat these things as Kharma. He had to force the cabby to stop and they ministered to this poor guy who was knocked out. He woke up and they cleaned him up and left him with water. The cabby said if they stayed the police would think they ran him over and they'd be in deep so they bailed.

Thank you for all, for the response!
Awesome Cliff thanks for sharing... my german uncle rode his BMW about everywhere in the World from Australia to Asia to Africa or South America, and one of his trip was a 3 months ride from Germany to Nepal where they stopped to climb the Everest... I am not sure how high he went, but I'll ask him for sure next time I see him... I should ask him for a couple of pics of all his trips because that would make for an epic album :)

Cheers man and let's ride soon!!
Awesome Cliff thanks for sharing... my german uncle rode his BMW about everywhere in the World from Australia to Asia to Africa or South America, and one of his trip was a 3 months ride from Germany to Nepal where they stopped to climb the Everest... I am not sure how high he went, but I'll ask him for sure next time I see him... I should ask him for a couple of pics of all his trips because that would make for an epic album :)

Cheers man and let's ride soon!!

Yes get some pics from Uncle! He sound like the guy riding the R1 around the world!

:D Just rode Montezuma Valley rd. and across the desert to Banner Grade yesterday. In Ramona I hooked up with 2 guys a ZX10 and BMW R1200s? We cooked Highland Valley road. The slightly performance modded FZ represented with the liter+ bikes and a couple of time the front came up leaving turns! Hahaha! :rockon:

I'd like you guys up there to show me some rides so let's get together. We could do it more casual than a formal SoCal ride and if you guys want to come down here and blast just give me a holler. We can just give a short notice for anyone that can make it for a ride.