My bike got stuck in the water

well that's great news four our friend shienlung! thx for checking for him humpy!
As most of you know, many parts of QLD is flooded and I was moving out with a car yesterday night.
It happened @ Yeronga near where I live.
The car couldn't go pass the water and stalled.
So 2 vehicles was in between two river of water.
We got a friend who have a 4wd to get us out of there but we had to leave the vehicles there.
I am guessing my bike and the mate's car is already washed away.
I have fire and theft insurance on my bike which I don't think cover this and my friend don't even have insurance on his car.


I'm assuming you have just their fire and theft and 3rd party property damage.
Motorcycle Insurance - Fire, Theft and Third Party Property | Suncorp.

From what I am reading you need their Comprehensive insurance.......

Fire, theft 3rd party:
Why choose Suncorp Fire, Theft and Third Party Property Motorcycle Insurance?

If you don't need full comprehensive cover but still want some protection for your motorcycle or scooter, for a lower premium than comprehensive, our Fire, Theft and Third Party Property Damage cover presents a further option.

Fire, Theft and Third Party Property Damage cover provides limited cover for:

* Theft
* Damage to other people's property up to $20 million (unless your certificate of insurance shows a lower amount)
* Fire damage
* Damage to your motorcycle or scooter caused by uninsured drivers (up to $5,000)

Plus, these great benefits:

* Repairs guaranteed for life
* No fault, no worries
* Easy, paperless claims

Why choose Suncorp Comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance?
We cover the big things providing comprehensive cover for your motorcycle or scooter:

* Theft
* Storm, hail and flood damage
* Accidental damage to your motorcycle or scooter
* Fire damage
* Malicious damage

We include the little things that help at claim time:

* Lifetime repair guarantee
* Choice of repairer (where possible)
* Cover for riding gear (up to $500)
* No fault, no worries
* 2 year new bike replacement
* Easy, paperless claims
If you need a hand with ANYTHING at all mate Humpy is here for you :thumbup:

Ain't this one of the best forums in the world? This brought a tear to my eye Dan.

Also, I went back to my home and the water will flood my house if the water get 5m higher.

Did it? I hope that everything is ok.
Does that insurance cover acts of god? I think flooding is under that, if Im correct. That does blow, tho. Glad to hear you are safe.
It seems that the insurance won't cover but well, we'll see how it goes.
Thanks for fz6 forum members for caring and supporting.
I'll keep you guys updated once I get back to my home @ Yeronga and sort things out.
It seems that the insurance won't cover but well, we'll see how it goes.
Thanks for fz6 forum members for caring and supporting.
I'll keep you guys updated once I get back to my home @ Yeronga and sort things out.
We're all thinking of you.

Hope your house is ok.
Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Here in the states, some insurance homeowners policies cover losses like this. Check yours out, assuming you have some type of insurance like that and I hope it works out for you.
So sorry that you are going through this. I'm glad you are physically OK. Fingers are crossed that your house is OK too.
So, I found my baby and she's...
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View attachment 33061
Called like 5 tow guys until I finally got someone to tow it to Moss street to the mechanic who take care of my bike.
Haven't got a quote yet though.
This photo gives you an idea how high was the water.
View attachment 33062
P.S I lost my TomTom Rider V2 GPS which was put in a friend's car which was next to my bike when it flooded.
View attachment 33063
forgot to tell you guys that she wouldn't start
as you can see the water even got into the speedo.

So glad you got her back....

I reckon it's a case of pulling the tank off, and cleaning, draining, flushing everything, airbox, velocity stacks, petrol tank, etc, etc, and getting, letting everything else electrical dry! which will take a fair while after it has been submerged!

Brake fluid could be contimated too.

good luck.

wow that totaly blows... but at least your safe, bike is found, and car doesnt look that bad off.. hopefully the bike will just need to be drained and refilld with all the proper fluid and she'll start back up again... sucks, but at least it didnt wash away.. good luck and keep us posted.. :thumbup: