My Army Promotion Board


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Visit site
Hey guys and gals, sorry I've been aloof for such a long time, things have been crazy around here for me. I just wanted to let ya know I just went to the promotion board today and I scored 149 points out of 150! Hopefully I'll get promoted in the next couple months and start making a little more money soon!

Now I'll have more time to do some end of season riding around here (North Carolina is still warm enough to ride) and put on a few more miles before it's time to put the fizzer away for the winter. :steve:
Are you at fort bragg? I am also am stationed here my buddy and i both have an FZ6? Might have to link up and ride a bit.
I sure am. We will have to do that. I have a buddy I ride with on a regular basis...but he's got a BMW. I'd be nice to link up with some other Fizzer riders. I actually found some good roads with some twisties out by Raeford!
Congrats on the score! Well done! :thumbup:

Can't say it enough... Thanks for protecting my freedom!
Wow! 149, very well done. What did you lose the point on, having a bootlace showing??? :rolleyes: :cheer:
:steve: Gratz! That is awesome, crossing my fingers for your promotion ;)

Thanks all. I lost a point because I didn't know the answer to a couple questions. That's all. I have the field manuals and regulations to back myself up though...when we all know if there's anything we need to know we just do a google search anyway! :)
Are you at fort bragg? I am also am stationed here my buddy and i both have an FZ6? Might have to link up and ride a bit.
Thats scary, the base is so big that it hides the highest concentration of FZ6's known to man lol.

Kudos on your promotion board. I salute you all and hope that you will all remain safe.
