Military Photos

I'll add my contribution from Al Faw palace- this time from the inside.

I didn't take many pictures of my most recent trip to Afghanistan, although it was a lot more scenic than Iraq.
Here is a picture of one of our Coyotes (armoured vehicle) during a tactical medical training scenario.
Part of my job is to train non-medical personnel on some more advanced procedures in a tactical situation before tour. Even teach some RCMP.
It's a good time, we have a great fake bomb system using talcom powder and it's great to cover someone with 20 years experience with it lol.

Harpoons anyone? This was while we were in Bahrain.



Christmas eve in the NAG.


5" fire


Fun with VERTREPs..

Some more...OCS (Officer Candidate School) pics...

Night before graduation when our parents were there..our DI still (tradition) had some fun with us for their (family) entertainment.

My class.

Taking the Oath from my Dad.

Us after the whole ceremony.


Bahrain WTC..40% of the building's power comes from the wind.

Some Carrier OPS pics.


I feel a bit of a cheat posting this as nobody actually shoots at me when I'm at work,:eek: but here goes...
I work at a USAF base in the UK, and here's me driving one of our trucks.
Some great pics there gents, Sadly for myself cameras are a big no no on ops so im not going to put any of my pics up :)thumbup:) but you can see my old heli in my avatar! the Mighty Mk9 9 lynx of the British Army Air Corps

Yep been all over iraq, flown under those swords and now working on fixed wing planes!

Von trippenhopf, is it L or M you work at? I live right nearby when im on leave fancy a spin somtime?

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Von trippenhopf, is it L or M you work at? I live right nearby when im on leave fancy a spin somtime?

Neither, I'm afraid, I'm a bit further south at the only other USAF base with a working Runway. ;)
Well, I am at the moment as we're going into care & maintainance status, so I might have to move elsewhere!
Great pics all--
This is from my spring break 2004 with 3/4 Lima.

My squad in front of our truck training in Kuwait at Udari Range before we crossed the LOD:

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My platoon at Camp Fallujah before we hit the town for Round 1, April 10, 2004. I'm second from the left, standing.

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And for good measure, a few from my wedding last year. For some reason, my wife puts up with me. For this, she is going straight to heaven.

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Keep the eye-pro on, and come home safe. Thanks to all who have served, no matter the branch or country.
Semper Fi
Sorry i dont have any pics ... yet... But i just got told oct 11 headed to afghanistan super excited but also pretty damn nervous 21B hooah! (combat engineer) for the non military folk lol
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This was from 2000 when I was Pre-Commissioning the USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81).

Conducting Shock Trials.

Wow! That looks pretty crazy. I'm the AUXO on DDG 61, RAMAGE, and have never been through anything like that. Worst I've felt would either be crash backs or a tug coming in a bit too fast. haha

What was/is your job there?
Wow! That looks pretty crazy. I'm the AUXO on DDG 61, RAMAGE, and have never been through anything like that. Worst I've felt would either be crash backs or a tug coming in a bit too fast. haha

What was/is your job there?

I was the CF Div LPO at the time. It was definitely a wild feeling having the ship fall out from under you. If I remember right this was Shock 3 so it was the closest of the 3 blasts we did.