MH-50 dipping in the lake


The Pillaging Tatar
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Jul 1, 2010
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Greenwich, CT
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[ame=""]MH-60 Dippin[/ame]

Crazy! This is $14 million being dipped into the lake! (assuming MH-60(from article) cost is similar to UH-60's).Looks like the pilots got nailed for that one.
But at the same time I'd be willing to be on one of those choppers any day.

PS: sorry, the thread name should read "MH-60", not MH-50. It was too early when i was typing it
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That is interesting. I looked at other videos and found this one. Must be doing some training.

[ame=]YouTube - Helicopter lands in water![/ame]
the funny thing is i was in the unit that does that stuff..the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment---army unit----and the mh- is outfitted with alot more stuff than the regular blackhawk and those proceedures are common practice for new for the chinook its regular to do that to pick up different operatives on board water crafts..i miss being in the army for sure..was alot of fun stuff.
Here are some CH-124 Sea King Helicopters doing the same thing...legally. I have flown in these choppers, and they're not bad for 40+ year old airframes. Canadian pilots train to land like this in case they need to ditch at sea. The chopper is designed to stay afloat (sea state permitting) for several minutes, allowing the crew to egress and deploy survival equipment.

[ame=]YouTube - Water Bird[/ame]