Lower Cowl-Puig Windscreen-FZ1 Bars Installed...Me = Happy now

looks great! did you do a write up on your bar install? i remember seeing somewhere that there were some complications with the fz1 bar install...either way, looks sweet!
No complications with the bar install. Just place your stock bars and the FZ1 bars side by side and you will figure out how to drill the hole. As for clearance just turn the bars as far up as possible which gives you fairing and tank clearance alongwith a nice inline wrist position with your hands. Here are a few pics:

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I will try to get a few pics of the clearance and rider position to give you a complete picture.
Yea...the bars were a snap...heres some pics of the Watsens


Looks good.

Next set of grips and youll have it down. It looks like you did the same thing I did on my first set of street bike grips. Cut them before the bar ends went on? That and a dremel and a steady hand to take out a bit of the grip to get clearance over the throttle side of the bar end.

Just a suggestion.

Man that is a clean, sweet looking bike.

BTW, thanks for making me want to go out and blow more money on mine! Ive now decided I need to get the windscreen and the lower cowl - Haha! Hey, who made that cowl or where you got it and did it come pre-painted?

Congrats on the sweet ride, now go get it a lil dirty!
thanks.....Its a yamaha cowl sold at the dealership....you can get it online for about $260 painted the color of your bike. Mods are an addicting thing, eh?!? Take care :rockon: