Loud exhaust saves lives. Really?


Junior Member
Apr 9, 2011
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McKinney, TX
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I know there is a large contingent in the motorcycling community that stands by the "loud pipes save lives approach." Let me first say I really enjoy a nice throaty exhaust note on anything from Granny's Lincoln to the latest and greatest motorized anything. It is just a deep down visceral thing that gives the machine character. I am currently shopping for new exhasut for my FZ.

Putting on flame suit now.

Has anyone really done a study on loud exhaust saving a life? Just from a casual observer most pipes fire to the rear direction of the vehicle. My own experience has been that I typically do not hear the loud vehicle until they are beside me or past me. Seems like a forward firing horn would be a more effective device. Seems like a loud exhaust would make you, the rider, less aware of what was going on around you because you have impaired one of you senses.

If you like a loud exhaust then just say you like it and not try and hide behind some seemingly ridiculous safety statement.
Experience has saved my ass more times and loud pipes will. People making U turns in front of you don't hear your exhaust. People merging into you on the highway don't hear your exhaust. People turning out of side streets don't hear your exhaust.
My own experience has been that I typically do not hear the loud vehicle until they are beside me or past me.
If you like a loud exhaust then just say you like it and not try and hide behind some seemingly ridiculous safety statement.

I like loud pipes. My loud pipes have saved me before. Drivers hear me when I am next to them in their blind spots. While they may not do much good preventing a cager in front of you from doing something stupid, they are handy for preventing unwanted lane changes. To me its an added layer of protection.
I like loud pipes. My loud pipes have saved me before. Drivers hear me when I am next to them in their blind spots. While they may not do much good preventing a cager in front of you from doing something stupid, they are handy for preventing unwanted lane changes. To me its an added layer of protection.

Why not just not ride in their blind spot?
When I first bough my 6R I had honestly 3 close call within the first 4-6 weeks. Just people who didn't see me. Merging in my lane and pushing me on the side of the road. This is when I decide to go for the pipe! Call it coincident or it really work? But no more problem ever since. My exhaust is at the original place aiming to the side. So since I ride in the RH lane 98% of the time... they get it right in there doors! When in traffic I make sure to keep the rev up a little. It work for me... but one doesn't make the rule.

There's was nothing wrong with the quiet exhaust, but now I feel safer. And pissing cagers off is very addicting.... LOL
I generally try to avoid being in people's blind spots and if I am I become hyper vigilant with a thumb ready on the horn.

I do too. The problem is when you pass them... for a short moment you are in there blind spot. This is when the pipe comes into play. :rockon:
i don't rely on my pipes, but people certainly notice when you're behind them and actually try and move out your way (especially if you don't have baffles in and are riding around with the engine chattering away nicely in 2nd and 3rd gear :))
I like loud pipes. My loud pipes have saved me before. Drivers hear me when I am next to them in their blind spots. While they may not do much good preventing a cager in front of you from doing something stupid, they are handy for preventing unwanted lane changes. To me its an added layer of protection.

I agree 100% here. Although we try to keep riding in people's blind spots to a minimum, we will always be in somebody's spot for some short time. So I agree it helps you get noticed, preventing bad lane changes, but I won't go as far as saying that it saves lives. It also comes in handy in parking lots too, you see all these vehicles backing up with their reverse lights on all of sudden they have their brake lights on because they heard the bike. Save me the trouble of using the horn, even though I have it covered during those times. Blind spots and parking lots.
Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that it annoys a lot of people. Annoy too many of the wrong people and laws may be made about motorcycles that we don't like. For instance, in the daytona area, it's illegal to ride a motorcycle in a neighborhood you don't live in. Even then you'll still get harrased.

The wearing of any colors in any bar is illegal in the daytona area. Even ones like HOG or AMA.

It's not hard to imagine a jump like, "Modifications to the exhaust system or muffler from stock are illegal in the state of X"

That and I can't afford them are the reasons I haven't put one on yet. Mostly because I can't afford them. :D
I wonder if anyone's ever been run down because of their annoyingly loud pipes. I'm talking straight-pipes-on-Harley-loud. Way way louder than FZ6 with any aftermarket exhaust.
That and I can't afford them are the reasons I haven't put one on yet. Mostly because I can't afford them. :D

Valid points and they ARE already implementing sound ordinance laws here and there.. and eventually I'm sure it'll be in nearly every state.

I do have aftermarket exhaust and the main reason for it is the awesome sound it makes.. not the loudness, but the tone. My baffles stay in.. it's louder than stock, but not super loud.
Added benefits:
- it's 8 pounds lighter than stock.
- it *may* have added a bit of power (can't say I really feel it)
- it *may* have stopped few drivers from pulling out in front of me or merging into me, but as Kenny said.. I keep my thumb over horn in those situations and always use it at the slightest hint of movement from cagers.
i have a leo vince and if somebody in front of me starts to do something fishy i pull in the clutch and rev the **** out of it, tends to stop them.......also when people sit when the light changes.
i have a leo vince and if somebody in front of me starts to do something fishy i pull in the clutch and rev the **** out of it, tends to stop them.......also when people sit when the light changes.

I too have LV.. I use my horn in those situations :don'tknow:
I think a louder horn is the way to go. The guys I ride with like the sound of my pipes, but cagers don't care.
Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that it annoys a lot of people. Annoy too many of the wrong people and laws may be made about motorcycles that we don't like. For instance, in the daytona area, it's illegal to ride a motorcycle in a neighborhood you don't live in. Even then you'll still get harrased.

The wearing of any colors in any bar is illegal in the daytona area. Even ones like HOG or AMA.

It's not hard to imagine a jump like, "Modifications to the exhaust system or muffler from stock are illegal in the state of X"

That and I can't afford them are the reasons I haven't put one on yet. Mostly because I can't afford them. :D

That's why I build my own... can't afford them either!