Leo Vince (preferred) or any after market exhaust


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May 28, 2014
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Looking for a used aftermarket exhaust for my 2008 S2. Prefer a Leo Vince with de-cat pipe, but willing to look at other aftermarket exhausts as well.

Need to get louder so cars stop switching into my lane while I'm riding.

Gary in NJ

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Need to get louder so cars stop switching into my lane while I'm riding.

Is that how it works? [smh]. How about riding defensively. You'll NEVER keep the cage drivers from doing stupid things; they are distracted by their cell phone, GPS, spilled coffee, screaming kids....

You could jump into their passenger seat and scream "look out for the bike" and they wont notice you because they are busy looking at the newest tic-tok dance. Making all sorts of noise wont help a bit. All it will do is piss off your neighbors and give you tinnitus. Yeah, there's nothing like having a third octave Gb ring in your ears 24/7 for the rest of your life.

Loud pipes don't save lives, they just identify the assholes.


2007 FZ6
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Gotta disagree with half of ^^^..

Absolutely, ride defensively, like your invisible and always have an out..

I have open Scorps, RARELY open the bike up (it is loud at WOT) but normal riding(shifting up to 5k on average) is not obnoxious..

It does indeed, (est at least 75% of the time), cages about you, can hear and DO KNOW somethings there..

Lastly, the bike doesn't sound like a "sewing machine" anymore...

And I am, apparently an asshole... ;) And will be if it helps me survive on the street..

Slight de-rail, so back to the thread..

.Scorps #3.jpg

Gary in NJ

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I have an aftermarket exhaust...on all of my bikes. I tend to run with the noise suppression inserts. The bikes are certainly louder then stock, but not obnoxiously so. If I'm at WOT - They are loud. But that's not the type of loud the "loud pipes saves lives" guys have.

If you are coming up from behind someone, they will not hear you. First, the end of your exhaust is facing away from them. Second, their radio is more than likely on and their windows are likely closed because God forbid someone drive in un-airconditined air. Modern cars are designed to be driven with the HVAC on. They also don't see you because people tend not to check their side mirrors, only their rear-view mirror. Motorcyclists tend not to ride in the center of the lane because that is the oily part of the road - we tend to ride towards the left side of the lane (when solo). For that reason, you are invisible to the car driver. You are approaching them in an extended blind spot. If you are on a multi-lane highway and want better visibility, ride in the left lane, biased to the right side of the lane. You are more likely to be seen in the mirrors to the drives in the lane to the right of you. As you approach the drives blind spot, move to the left part of the lane. This way if they enter your lane you are already taking evasive action. As you pass the vehicle look to see the drivers eyes in their side mirror. This way you'll have an indication if they see you or not.

A loud exhaust will spook/scare an unattentive driver - causing them to do some stupid shit...like move out of their lane. A smart rider is always on the look out for trouble, and is always calculating a way out.


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I've always liked aftermarket cans. My Two Brothers cans sound so sweet on my 90 degree twin. I do run a suppressors in the tips.
I do hear riders use the exhaust like a horn and I certainly understand wanting to be heard but your very first concern in traffic must be your awareness of drivers and other riders.
I hear straight piped HD's all the time and I always think," That's a lot of extra noise for the work that needs to be done."
I don't care how seasoned and experienced a rider you are, a car operator is always going to teach you a new trick.

Loud pipes may save lives but top priority is expecting the unexpected. Practice braking and looking for that moving hole to avoid contact.