LED accent lighting?

What do you think of accent lighting?

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Heck, I got mine for free, so I'll be strapping them on my bike as soon as possible. Anything that helps me be seen at night is a-ok by me. Although in North Carolina, I know you cannot have blue or red lights on any vehicle...good thing I got green ones! :rockon:
Heck, I got mine for free, so I'll be strapping them on my bike as soon as possible. Anything that helps me be seen at night is a-ok by me. Although in North Carolina, I know you cannot have blue or red lights on any vehicle...good thing I got green ones! :rockon:

Sure you can, you just can't have them on while driving around on a public street. On some bikes they would appear to look pretty nice and on others one may ask why?? Now, if you want to be seen at night why not just buy a couple of them amber bubble gum machines they use on pilot vehicles and stick it on the front and rear of the bike? Trust me, they'll see you. You may even get folks to call the local PD in reference to the UFO they just saw blowing by them....he,he,he
Sure you can, you just can't have them on while driving around on a public street. On some bikes they would appear to look pretty nice and on others one may ask why?? Now, if you want to be seen at night why not just buy a couple of them amber bubble gum machines they use on pilot vehicles and stick it on the front and rear of the bike? Trust me, they'll see you. You may even get folks to call the local PD in reference to the UFO they just saw blowing by them....he,he,he

Now that's an idea!! I'm going to have to look into that! lol

Thanks for the credits James! I'M RICH! :thumbup:
Accent lighting? Like brightly coloured neon strips and millions of rainbow coloured lights dotted all over the place? No thanks, think about the people who use them...

Truckers: Massive milages, day after day on your own, hypnotised by hours of telegraph poles flashing past, a horizon that never gets closer, a massive, eternal sky that totally eclipses everything you know be real. The only other voices you hear are from other truckers, cheap hookers and Country and Western CDs. Does funny things to your head.

Barry-Boys/Trevs (Ricers do you call them over there??): So you've finally made 'mopping up vomit supervisor' at your local KFC and have bought a 20 year old Japanese sh1tty rust bucket with your massive pay rise in order to desperately impress all the 14 year old girls in your hood 'Dawwwwwg'.
You swapped a bucket of chicken wings and some out of date coleslaw for the car and then decided to spend $£$£$£$£$ on glue-on plastic crap, a stereo (sorry, an ICE system) that weight twice as much as your cr@ppy car and some christmas tree lights to staple to your ride thus turning it into something that will out perform a top of the range Lamourghini. Grow up, you prick.

Honda Goldwing riders: 'Nuff said.

It may get you noticed, but only because everyone with an IQ higher than 6 will be pointing and laughing at you.
I personally like them, but I am not sure they would look good on the FZ. There is not much to reflect the light or hide the lights for that matter.
when in the states i saw a lot of sport bikes with undertail neons..they looked good..but for me theres too much of a stigma attatched to them...i dont drive a 1000bhp jap import and i dont own a chromed out stretched busa
I have them on my bike and it came with 2 strips and 6 pods in red and it lights up the bike well. It all depends were you put them. I painted the hugger so I put 2 pods to light that up, then i put 2 pods in the back of the gas tank, then i put 2 pods in the belly pan (which is painted red), then the last strip is near the bottom of the neck to light up the front. When I went to a couple of bike nights here in Florida alot of people said it looks nice, but, i think I'm going to put a few more pods to make it brighter.
I put that I have them - but really I'm just planning to install them when I find some good ones at a decent price. I'm going to have white on the sides and front and red at the rear. Anyone know where I can get some decent ones in the UK?