KONY 2012 - What do you think?

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lil' kid is famous

now let's kill the thread!
Maybe if there was oil or diamonds galore in Uganda the world would have got rid of Robert Mugabe years ago.....

Children don't choose where they are born.

It is EVERYONE'S responsibility to help children. It doesn't matter if they are in your country or someone elses.

Sorry for sounding like a bit of a cliche but kids are the future...........

BTW, this thread is getting a bit too political...... :scared:
There's a lot of evil in the world. Are any of us really doing anything about it here?

It's a pretty simple affair in the end. Endless debate has solved a great deal already throughout history?

Even the UN has failed countless times and it has been in the thick of things many times.
While were on the topic of why this country is in a bad way, and for some comedic relief:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brj2UkUPjCI]they took our jobs - YouTube[/ame]
Some of the comments being made here are really missing the point of the forementioned social experiment. When you dumb it down to US going after one bad guy, yeah I can agree with you all but seriously the movement is bigger than that.

People who point at the issues in our home country, you are right. Our backyard definitely needs some work but lets be honest with ourselves. This comment is brushing off important topics like mass child abuse around the world? I'm so tired of hearing this BS …people showing bad stuff vs other bad stuff to dismiss biggest crimes against humanity. This is bad!

Like Kazza said, no kids deserve this and they don’t have a choice. We are the ones with the choice and funds. Yeah there are bad things happening at home but these things don’t cancel other issues. So what are we doing about problems at home? A group at the company I work at go out every weekend to feed the homeless and play with the poor kids. Great gesture, but unless it’s addressed with official power and funding, that issue will never be totally solved. So do we have a plan for our backyard? How long of a time period are we looking at? The way I see it, most people who say this kind of stuff go back to watching TV and eating cheetos.

Coming back to the details about this organization…

For the first time in human history we might be witnessing an event where mass communication made it possible for a group of people to summon real help in one of the places where real help is needed. Don’t get distracted by side facts like, 30% went into activism, 50% went into filming, 15% the dude bought a Ferrari. Who cares? Aren’t there already millions of corporations around the world who’s sole purpose is to make money? Would it be so bad that these profitable organizations pulled our attention to issues like this every once in a while and maybe even sponsored help? Why get so worked up over the profitability of this organization? The way I see it, there are many corporations out there who are just as profitable but who won’t do sh1t.
You get worked up over it because it's a non-profit organization who isn't actually using their money in the manner that they should.
You get worked up over it because it's a non-profit organization who isn't actually using their money in the manner that they should.

Not true. Nowhere in this ad they said every penny goes to charity. Its a movement that needs funding. Youre just looking for a reason to justify your need to disagree. :)
If that company really gave a SH!t about the kids something would have already been done, they have plenty of money already, and in that part of the world mercinarys are readily available, problem solved move on to the next one.
If that company really gave a SH!t about the kids something would have already been done, they have plenty of money already, and in that part of the world mercinarys are readily available, problem solved move on to the next one.

Nothings finalized but wow you figured this out! Now have some cheetos lol
Not saying I disagree, but I'm an accountant for a living.

Read their own website:

"Is my donation tax deductible? Yes. Invisible Children is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation."

They are calling themselves a charity, tax-exempt organization.

Then on their on website, they add this note for people who don't want their money to be spent for advertising and paying for Ferraris:

"For donors looking for an opportunity to give directly to programming in northern Uganda, the Schools for Schools program pledges at least 90% of donations will be used in the rebuilding of our partner schools, with less than 10% reserved to implement these funds."

Not trying to rationalize why I disagree, but the organization seems bogus. It's not something I would stand behind, or be proud to tell my friends I am standing behind. Incredible how things like the Red Cross still put so much of their $$ towards their actual efforts and people like this are so fradulent.

Not true. Nowhere in this ad they said every penny goes to charity. Its a movement that needs funding. Youre just looking for a reason to justify your need to disagree. :)
I'm starting a charity in attempt to rid the world of ford because I herd that kony drives a ford. Mclovin would you like to be the first to donate to this truly great cause. If kony doesnt have a truck to drive it will end his reign of terror, for every $1,000 you send me I will buy one share of ford stock, and if I get enough people to donate I will try to purchase 51% of the company and shut it down!!! Please spread the word and repost this on every social media site and together with all the money I get from kind hearted people like you we can put a end to this reign of terror for the low cost of $75,000,000,000usd

Please send payments in the form of PayPal or Cheetos
Fair point. I think their whole organization and the dollar aspect is taking away from their credibility a lot. It's a shame surrounding this issue. The whole point is to raise awareness for children who are being abused beyond imagination. The issue is really Joseph Kony, other like him and the children being targeted, not Kony2012.

Not saying I disagree, but I'm an accountant for a living.

Read their own website:

"Is my donation tax deductible? Yes. Invisible Children is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation."

They are calling themselves a charity, tax-exempt organization.

Then on their on website, they add this note for people who don't want their money to be spent for advertising and paying for Ferraris:

"For donors looking for an opportunity to give directly to programming in northern Uganda, the Schools for Schools program pledges at least 90% of donations will be used in the rebuilding of our partner schools, with less than 10% reserved to implement these funds."

Not trying to rationalize why I disagree, but the organization seems bogus. It's not something I would stand behind, or be proud to tell my friends I am standing behind. Incredible how things like the Red Cross still put so much of their $$ towards their actual efforts and people like this are so fradulent.
Hey buddy, this is not about you and me. Its a shame for someone like you to fight against raising awareness on big issues involving abused children just because you disagree with this organization. The credibility, or the lack of is a welcome topic to discuss, as it would benefit the actual cause. No one cares about this guy who made the movie. Kony, people like kony and thousands of abused children are the ones that need attention. But if you need attention I'll ask you to start a new thread.

I'm starting a charity in attempt to rid the world of ford because I herd that kony drives a ford. Mclovin would you like to be the first to donate to this truly great cause. If kony doesnt have a truck to drive it will end his reign of terror, for every $1,000 you send me I will buy one share of ford stock, and if I get enough people to donate I will try to purchase 51% of the company and shut it down!!! Please spread the word and repost this on every social media site and together with all the money I get from kind hearted people like you we can put a end to this reign of terror for the low cost of $75,000,000,000usd

Please send payments in the form of PayPal or Cheetos
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So all this talk about help the kids! Help the kids! Who all has actually sent them money, if you haven't then your a hypocrite...
So all this talk about help the kids! Help the kids! Who all has actually sent them money, if you haven't then your a hypocrite...

Yep. And several people I know either bought the kit, signed the petition or shared the topic through some kind of medium in the name of raising global awareness. I guess we are all morons. What have you done?
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