Joe Biden????

I guess I’m a bigot or xenophobe, NOT! Leave it to liberals to hurl stones of insults when they don’t have an intellectual club. Liberals are so steeped in political correct dogma that they choose to be offended whenever they find it convienient. They use it to achieve the moral upper ground in an argument. I think it’s strange how quick they lose focus on and issue and go to spin for a defense. Did you choose to overlook my disclaimer that no inference was intended, or didn’t you get that far!

I can understand the confusion that a mixed race young man may go thru, but at some point the confusion has to end! Obama isn’t confused, he is married to the tenants of socialism. He has attended the Rev. Wright’s church up to the time he was criticized. He associated with the guy who bombed the Pentagon up to the time he was criticized. He didn’t wear the flag on his lapel until he was criticized. He didn't put his hand over his heart until he was criticized, He is now not a young man. He is not confused. He is a confirmed socialist!

I read your disclaimer that no inference was intended, but if no inference was intended, then why did you write it? If I said "I'm not saying Officerjive is a jerk, but..." it's a cop out. you wrote, you inferred, at least stand behind it.

The rest is ridiculous. A lapel pin? is that the basis upon which our patriotism is judged, cheap jewelry? I dont wear a watch, does that mean I refuse to recognize time? That I will never, ever, arrive in time for an appointment?

and "steeped in political correct dogma" ? dont you guys accuse us of being the immoral bastards who are destroying america's families by showing porn on tv and letting gay people live together and so on? so which is it, political correct or godless barbarians?

Obama's not a socialist. do some research before you make ridiculous claims. And no, Hannity's America and World Net Daily are not legitimate information sources.

Finally, "liberals" dont choose to be offended. We are sensitive to offensive comments because we care about people and treat everyone the same, we dont look down on anyone, or mistrust a person who doesnt look the same or speak the same, until that person shows a reason to be treated differently.

So we dont have to claim offense to take the moral high ground in a debate, we're already there. Your side can keep voting your wallet, until you live in a gated community with the world falling down around you. But hey, your taxes are lower, so it's all worthwhile, right?
Hey Everyone - Thank you for keeping this thread civil. Let's try not to step on anyone's toes, and well in the Army the saying goes, "Opinions are like *********, everyone has one and they all stink."

My intent with this thread was to discuss why Sen. O chose Sen. B vs. another Democrat option.

Let's keep the banter professional and talk facts and points of view: eg: the merits of one vs. the other.

My take, like others here, is that Sen. B was selected because he is very experianced in how Washington works and is very well connected with the Dems and the Reps, ie: a Washington insider.

I wonder if be selecting Sen. B, Sen. O is alienating the core of his party that helped him win the nomination? Now that said Pres. Bush 2 did the same thing by selecting Cheney; very experianced, well connected, had done the job previously. That selection helped solidify his final run by bringing in the Reagonities to the Bush camp. Remember that Reagan was a fiscal conservative who didn't pander to the religious part of the Republican party, where as Bush did initially.

I also wonder is the Biden selection will drive the borderline Dems to McCain? McCain is really not a Republican but and Independent who happens to belong to the Republican party, not unlike Sen. Liberman. And we all know that Sen. L went indy to win his seat back.

Regardless I think we are going to have one very interesting race this Fall.

My guess, very close, however I think McCain will pull it out by 1 point. I have a feeling that one people get in the voting booth and look at McCain vs. Obama they will think, "Yeah Obama is pretty cool and has lots of energy, but can he get it done???"

To Bodarc,

You quote Shane "Footsteps" Falco, fictional scrub quarterback, in your signature. You gotta see some new movies, my man.
I like the choice of Biden, he provides a counter to Obama in many ways. Call me idealistic (or a sucker) but maybe he's selected Biden not so much for the election, but for governing. The VP serves as leader of the Senate, and Biden is certainly qualified for that.

He's also unfortunately probably going to serve as attack dog for the Democratic ticket, and he will add to Obama's chances of carrying Pennsylvania, which is a significant number of electorate votes in a state Obama didn't do well in during the primaries.

In reality, I dont think the VP role is too important, unless the Senate is a 50/50 split. If the Dems carry the senate, his effect is essentially nil as they will control all the committees anyway. But he'll still have plenty of experience in foreign policy to assist the admittedly inexperienced Obama.

Most importantly, there's really nobody out there who was an obvious choice. Edwards took himself out of it, Obama and Clinton cant run together, and I cant think of anyone who would have been a better choice, for the election or for the office
Sen. Biden is to much of a contrast to Obama, so much so that the ticket now seem lopsided. The substance will come from Biden because of his knowledge and experience. It seems to me that Obama is nothing but a warm up act for Biden and I’ll bet there will be some Freudian slips referring to him as President. As the campaign progresses the people will begin to realize that Obama is just not ready for the office.

If McCain picks Romney, he’ll have no trouble debating Biden. Romney is smooth and polished Biden is a street fighter, again a stark contrast. But the curtain has yet to rise on that act.
Statements they may be, but standing alone without the context from which they are derived from does not offer the true intent.

My own point of view is as such: Once again, we do not have a choice for President that is worthy of America. The All American Dollar will obviously decide the most powerful seat in the free world once more. The only question left is which evil to cast a vote for. This, my friends, is a secret known only to myself, for if I do not vote, I cannot complain. :rockon:

Well spoken. I think there is definitely reason to complain if there isn't anything worth voting for. I also wonder about all these different parties(dem's, rep's, lib's.....ect). It seems like an excuse to pigeon hole, stereotype and categorize American citizens and keep them at odds with each other. It seems like issues are never dealt with, but instead mud slinging about the generalizations of the opposing parties is what usually occurs. The very structure is doomed to failure by design. Why can't we just be people with ideas and viewpoints on specific issues that need attention. Corruption in government and corporate America will have the upper hand as long as the American public is divided up, pigeon holed and at odds with each other.:rolleyes:
from joe bidens mouth [ame=""]YouTube - Joe Biden swears Obama is not ready to be president[/ame] how the hell could he then be obama's VP?
I'm wondering what price we'll pay for this "Odd Couple" match-up. John had better pick a good running mate..... I'd vote for Richard M. Nixon before Obama. If they'd dig him up first. GRUMPY
I read your disclaimer that no inference was intended, but if no inference was intended, then why did you write it? If I said "I'm not saying Officerjive is a jerk, but..." it's a cop out. you wrote, you inferred, at least stand behind it.

The rest is ridiculous. A lapel pin? is that the basis upon which our patriotism is judged, cheap jewelry? I dont wear a watch, does that mean I refuse to recognize time? That I will never, ever, arrive in time for an appointment?

and "steeped in political correct dogma" ? dont you guys accuse us of being the immoral bastards who are destroying america's families by showing porn on tv and letting gay people live together and so on? so which is it, political correct or godless barbarians?

Obama's not a socialist. do some research before you make ridiculous claims. And no, Hannity's America and World Net Daily are not legitimate information sources.

Finally, "liberals" dont choose to be offended. We are sensitive to offensive comments because we care about people and treat everyone the same, we dont look down on anyone, or mistrust a person who doesnt look the same or speak the same, until that person shows a reason to be treated differently.

So we dont have to claim offense to take the moral high ground in a debate, we're already there. Your side can keep voting your wallet, until you live in a gated community with the world falling down around you. But hey, your taxes are lower, so it's all worthwhile, right?

:rof::rof::rof: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :rof::rof::rof:
and there is the Republican side on display, always disrespecting anyone who doesn't agree.
I like the choice of Biden, he provides a counter to Obama in many ways. Call me idealistic (or a sucker) but maybe he's selected Biden not so much for the election, but for governing. The VP serves as leader of the Senate, and Biden is certainly qualified for that.

He's also unfortunately probably going to serve as attack dog for the Democratic ticket, and he will add to Obama's chances of carrying Pennsylvania, which is a significant number of electorate votes in a state Obama didn't do well in during the primaries.

In reality, I dont think the VP role is too important, unless the Senate is a 50/50 split. If the Dems carry the senate, his effect is essentially nil as they will control all the committees anyway. But he'll still have plenty of experience in foreign policy to assist the admittedly inexperienced Obama.

Most importantly, there's really nobody out there who was an obvious choice. Edwards took himself out of it, Obama and Clinton cant run together, and I cant think of anyone who would have been a better choice, for the election or for the office

The Veep throws the first pitch out too.

I hear you. I am able to get along with most folk. I am a conservitive. We have more in common than most like to admit. At least all of us here ride.
In your post I notice a very unusual coincidence of names
Obama/Biden is almost like
Osama/Bin ladin
Kinda makes you look twice.

Not trying to make any inferences in any way only to draw attention to the similarity.

My father, who has a hilarious sense of humor, made the funniest obama statement over a year ago. He termed the phrase " Obama being president is an Obamanation of the United States."

I thought it was hilarious, now some people are writing books entitled that.