It's steamy out there


Sep 7, 2010
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"Only" 90F but 60% humidity. I think I found every malfunctioning traffic signal in the state this morning and was stewing in my own juices while stopped. At one point I zoned out and couldn't figure out where I was for a few seconds when I snapped to. :eek: Pulled over for a water break then headed home.

Stay hydrated folks.

Ewww ... tank sweat:

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Come to the land of Oz, where it's 200° and 150% humidity every day! (well, not quite, but 93° is positively comfortable!)

Wuss! (jks!)

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I wish I had that problem! :(

Just returned home & we had 18 degrees Celsius and the odd hail stone and lightning storm.

Soaked wet through. The weather in the UK is shocking!
Plymouth wasn't much better yesterday ... evrytime you thought it was safe to get on the bike ... nice sunny hot (humid ) then down it came ...showers but heavy making roads automatically slippery :(
I don't know how you people stand it. If I had to ride in those conditions I wouldn't. It's been warm here as well but the warmest days this year were 93F (33C) and high humidity for a couple of weeks. Today is going to be perfect, 73F (23C) and 67% humidity. Up here in this part of Canada we're climitized for cold weather and a winter temps can reach -40F (-40C) so the higher temps are murder.
Just got back from a four hour trip in 100F, 30% humidity. Wasn't bad at all compared to Friday when it was 106F or so.
102 yesterday and 59% HUMIDITY. Not normal for Oregon at all. It's been the perfect summer so far. It was the first over 90 degree day this year. OOPS skip the 90's just go too 100. :iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer:
ha ha come into Cyprus to enjoy a nice 42C (110 F) and around 80% humidity. You will see what hot means :p
I don't know how you people stand it. If I had to ride in those conditions I wouldn't. It's been warm here as well but the warmest days this year were 93F (33C) and high humidity for a couple of weeks. Today is going to be perfect, 73F (23C) and 67% humidity. Up here in this part of Canada we're climitized for cold weather and a winter temps can reach -40F (-40C) so the higher temps are murder.

We call them "Spa Days" and then prance around like little girls. :cheer: Wow, the heat really can get to you...
We call them "Spa Days" and then prance around like little girls. :cheer: Wow, the heat really can get to you...

Last year I rode through Vegas on the way to California in late Sept. Thought how bad could it be, it's a dry heat. Well 104F is still 104F. I felt like I was sticking my head in an oven. I couldn't even imagine eating something hot.