Its so hot today

I was going to bitch about the weather in Florida, but I guess the guys out west (over 100F) and the guys on the other side of the pond, with VAT, plus hot, plus peeing down rain on them... (waiting for a German to jump on that)...

I guess I don't have it so bad!

Jolene (Jo-lean) and I are definitely in honeymoon phase, even though it's hot as balls, here!

I was going to bitch about the weather in Florida, but I guess the guys out west (over 100F) and the guys on the other side of the pond, with VAT, plus hot, plus peeing down rain on them... (waiting for a German to jump on that)...


And then to top it all we have to deal with the cagers. What a life!!!

I am quite sure the guy who does the weather report is not a bike rider. I was sweating even before I'd gotten on the bike.
Its so hot today. Its feels like an oven when ever I come to a stop at the traffic lights.
I am glad I am not one of then tube passengers. It must be stifling hot down there.
And good for me the missus agreed to let me buy a summer jacket.

+1 the naked fz6 black beauty. I get all the wind rush. Wippee

That's it summer is over it's raining again.:(:(:(