It's official- I've lost everything!

J, I am sorry to hear this. I hope this helps other people realize how fortunate they really are.... You know we love you guys and if you need anything, just ask.

and when he is sleeping ( on the day you move out) hit your dad in the knees with a ball bat. tell him I did it. thieves suck.

Thanks Kyle.....

I've thought about the bat thing, but not in the knees.....more like the face, seriously. I just can't even emphasize (sp) how much I hate him.
Thanks Kyle.....

I've thought about the bat thing, but not in the knees.....more like the face, seriously. I just can't even emphasize (sp) how much I hate him.

that really sucks,J. Well you know what they say "bad things happen to good people" I hope it gets better as fast as possibe.
j.. well sorry to hear about all of this.. try hidding the bikes and say that they were stolen.. or just up and move and dont tell the repo company where you are going :)... good luck with the job hunt.. i know it sucks out there, but things will pick up... good luck
j.. well sorry to hear about all of this.. try hidding the bikes and say that they were stolen.. or just up and move and dont tell the repo company where you are going :)... good luck with the job hunt.. i know it sucks out there, but things will pick up... good luck

um really dont think thats gonna work......
Damn.. That sucks donkey balls.. I hate hearing about good people getting screwed. No matter how hard it gets, just try your best to stay positive. I wish you the best of luck getting back on your feet!

Sorry to hear that J. I certainly do appreciate your contributions on this forum. I agree with (I believe it was) lonesoldier. I have known many people who went bankrupt a few times and then hit it big. They just never gave up. I also agree with you. As long as you, your husband, and your kids stay tight you'll be alright. My thoughts are with you.

Sorry to hear this Janette. My wife and I went through this just over ten years ago but it was also involving a failed business. It turned out to be the best thing we could have done. That was 1998 after leaving that "Pit-of-a-state" Maine. In 2000, we bought a brand new home in NH after having settled into new jobs. We only got hit with 9.89 % interest. We did take a hit on the first soccer mom van at 19.9%, but we paid for a little over a year on both with 100% on-time payments and refinanced both. The house dropped to 7.65 % and the van to 11.99%. After another year, we traded the van for a new RAV4 and got 6.99%. In 2003, we got the house down to the current 5.24%.

You see, it can be a blessing and you can rebuild. But, you need to be in a place that has the available work to do this. You need to be persistent with the creditors as you rebuild. When they see you with 100% on-time credit for the year following a bankruptcy, you start to get FAST leverage.

Don't look at it as a depressing event. It's all replaceable material goods you're losing. It cannot get any worse when you've reached that point.

Look at it as a new beginning. Like you said, you have Danny and the kids. That is ALL you need to start anew. They can have all those "things" but they cannot take your spirit, your memories, your family or your will to succeed going forward. Be positive about this and it will show through.
Sorry to hear that. I have enjoyed your posts. It sounds like its time to leave your Dad anyway.
Best wishes, ender's Cost of Living Wizard Tool

Cost of living is alot less, sales tax is less, prices are lower, much lower population per square mile. 217 per square mile Cali, 98 per square here in KY.
Less intrusive DMV, Social Services, and family court system.

Unemployment rate CA 10.5% not counting those who have stopped looking.
Unemployment rate KY 8.7% not counting those who have stopped looking Highest on record.

estimated number of gang members in CA is over 200,000

In Kentucky, 0 counties reported 10,000 or more gang members, 0 counties reported 3,500-9,999 gang members, 0 counties reported 2,500-3,499 gang members, 0 counties reported 500-2,499 gang members, 26 counties reported 1-499 gang members, 14 counties reported 0 gang members, and there was no reporting from the remaining counties. Cities shown are Lexington and Louisville

States in which there are 5-7 gang members per 1,000 population are California, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico

States in which there are 0.4-1 gang members per 1,000 population are Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia Barren and Warren county are right next to each other.

I know this is way off topic but you all did ask. These are of course only my opinions.
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I'm very sorry to hear that J. When you get back on your feet, make sure to pay yourself first (savings, 401K, etc) before buying anything that's not needed. It's not that much fun, but it will pay off in the long haul.


Yeah, but we make way more money out here, and it will be California that booms first when this thing turns.
We have one one of the most dynamic economies in the world, and while I would like to have some of the freedoms citizens of, say, Texas enjoy, when it comes down to it, there's more opportunity here.
Thats the interesting thing about that tool. It allows you to put in the salary you are recieving in cali and compare it to the rest of the country with the cost of living and compare the amount of increase or decrease of disposable income if you maintain your accustomed standard of living.
Right, but what are your chances of making over 100,000 per year in Kentucky? Cops make over 100,000 a year in California.

And so do nurses. I can take my California money and go buy some land in KY for pennies on the dollar. Helmets at cost everyone the same amount....MSRP on an FZ6 is the same regardless where you live...etc. etc.
Yes of course, and it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen pictures of.

Police salary San Fran’s Salary Wizard™- Do you know what you're worth?

Police salary in Nashville’s Salary Wizard™- Do you know what you're worth?=

Almost 12,000$ a year extra cost of living difference even taking into account the lower salary.'s Cost of Living Wizard Tool

Maybe I just dont understand though, there are lots of things I just dont understand.

I of course agree that anything you order will be the same price and normally without sales taxes.
Right, but what are your chances of making over 100,000 per year in Kentucky? Cops make over 100,000 a year in California.

That's nothing to be proud of. It only goes to prove that the cost of living is out of control in California. I live in London and can buy California property at pennies on the £ but it doesn't mean I want to.
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I feel for you. We've moved the kids a couple of times (due to work) in the last few years and it's not something you do lightly. I was recently told I had to work out of an office 100 miles from home, luckily I found another job in my local office.

When times have been hard financially I have sometimes thought that bankruptcy must be a relief after all the fretting about payments etc although never actually having been there I don't speak from experience.

Good luck with everything and don't let the b*stards grind you down