I'm starting to think...


Nocturnal Predator
Jul 9, 2008
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That I have to saccrifice a virgin or enter into some sort of tribal rite of passage or something.

Hello all, long time no see, and it's even been a hellava long time since I've even been to the boards to just lurk around. I'm glad to see that it's still up and still about safe riding.

So here's my issue: I'm in the Monterey Bay area and I'm looking for other riders to join/hang out with. For the past week I've been cruising all over the area, and while I'll see other riders, and I'll ride close to them, it's hard to actually get "in" with them. The deepest interaction that has gone on is a nod here, or a wave there.

It's like these crews have their own language, and I'm stuck speaking Swaheeli with a touch of French and Farsi, leaving me standing there like those adds in the motorcycle magazines that show a guy all geared up, ready to ride and he's busy removing wallpaper or some crap with the caption "Life without your bike is just that."

I'm not the type of guy that's going to barge in on a riding crew and invite myself in - that's just plain rude. I'll make sure I'm noticed and wait patiently to be invited in. I don't know them, and they don't know me. I mean, how would you like it if some rider comes up to you and your friends and just shoves his way into your formation? Yeah, not cool.

So here's what I'm looking for cuz you people are cool as hell - I need advice on how to approach other riders while riding, and when not riding/at a pitstop. I've recently found 2 places about an hour away from where I'm at in Gilroy (a Sonic) and just north of that towards San Jose (starbucks).

Also, if anybody is in the Monterey Bay area, and would like to meet up and go riding together, I'm more than willing.

So that's it...and as a bonus, since I don't think I did the last time I was here, here's a pic of my baby. So if you see a rider wearing black/blue leather (of course it matches the bike!) with the Icon military green reflective vest - gimme a shout! Would love to hear from y'all.


Just walk up and say hi man. Some people are jerks but most of them are cool.

Wish you good luck.

That or start your own group by asking someone else if they want to go riding with you.
I've never been invited to a group per se but I have rode along with a few riders for a short stretch of road here and there. I'm still a pretty new rider so I'm always looking for opportunities to practice group riding courtesy.

I caught up to one guy on a ninja 250 and stopped next to him at a stoplight, we said hi to eachother and then rode along until my turn came up and we parted.

I once managed to co-exist with a Harley guy and his chick for a bit. He waved to me with his right leg but I took it as a signal that there might be a hazard and stayed behind him for a while until they took their turn off the street.
Hey Ross, I was just wondering the same thing. I haven't tried to get in with a group but wondered how I would go about such a thing. I'm interested to see what other members of the forum have to say.

I'm in San Jose and am up for riding on weekends when I don't have anything planned. We'll probably start to get some Bay Area rides going as Spring hits (that's like now if the rain doesn't return!).

Finally, there is a Sonic close to us??? Where?
Been here since June of '07, and yeah I know of a few. To answer the quick question about Sonic, there is one...sorta.

It's in the Gilroy exits, on the exit you take to get to Barnes and Noble. I can't remember off hand what the exit number is or what the street name is, but it's there.

To the longer question/statements:
1. Going up and just saying hi is like asking a mime to come out of the box in my case, hehe. A lot easier said than done.
2. If you're planning some coast rides, there's a REALLY nice one that goes right along the coast along Hwy 1 down to Big Sur. I love that ride - tons of twisties and hairpin turns that if you aren't careful will make you have to stop at the restaurant that's in the middle of it to just change your shorts. Ahh...good times.
3. There's also a small road (maybe 60 miles or so) that goes between Hollister and King City. I think it's Hwy 19 or 58, can't remember, but one DANG nice ride. There's also a nice biker stop for some REALLY good chow down in King City. Notice I'm not being specific on any of this? It's not just because I have a bad memory - it's because you NEED to take me with you! LOL.

There's a couple of other rides that I've been meaning to go on that Pashnit.com reccomends.

This week is test week for my class, but next weekend I'm betting will be pretty open. Pretty sure that the 3-4 day weekend that we have coming up will also be available for riding. If anybody is interested, I would not mind at all doing that Hollister run again, we could all meet up there and go have some fun. The base here just had one of their motorcycle mentorship rides, which means we probably won't have another for a month or two. If anybody is interested, gimme a shout. I'm always on yahoo (noxcruor42) or msn ([email protected]) or send an e-mail to either account and I'll respond back.

*sighs* back to studying.
Hmm...168 miles from here to Sebastopol (if you're at the one on the coast, there's another in Nevada County)...

<looks at his bike> Sounds like a nice ride :)
Hmm...168 miles from here to Sebastopol (if you're at the one on the coast, there's another in Nevada County)...

<looks at his bike> Sounds like a nice ride :)

Really? I've never hear of another Sebastopol. I'm in the one by the coast, in Sonoma County.
I need advice on how to approach other riders while riding,

I find the best way to "Break the Ice" is to talk to someone about their bike, ask questions about what thay have done to it (Even better if you notice something different) and find out where they like to ride and can let you in on the GOOD roads and any others worth avoiding...Crap surface, too much police activity, good places to stop, etc....EASY:thumbup:
You ask us how to "get in" with other riders, and then discount the idea of going up and saying "hi"? How have you ever met people before? They can't always come up to you first, can they? You made a good first step by joining here, but your next step will be going for a ride and then lurking around someone's bike, checking something out, and then talking to that person about it. If they approach you first, bonus, but that isn't always going to happen.

Idea #2: Find a bike night and be the creepy guy who doesn't talk to anyone. At least people will remember you.
You ask us how to "get in" with other riders, and then discount the idea of going up and saying "hi"? How have you ever met people before?

oi. I'm not discounting the idea, just wondering if there is an easier/better way to go about doing it. I work in a cement jar where the closest interaction that I have with most people outside my family consists of "lol n00b! I pwnd u!" My wife won't agree, by people are not my strong point. I don't want to say "oh well that's people, bikers are different" because I can just see the flames and the crying icons saying, 'I'm not a people? *sniff*' No no no.

This situation just seems vastly different to me. I mean, you're asking to ride with someone and have them place trust in your abilities when you only just met, and likewise you place trust in th....<sighs> forget it. Moot point, and yours is well received.

This next weekend when I'm out and about, I'll see if I can find someone in the San Jose/Gilroy area. Might hit that Starbucks off of Tennant Ave or the Sonic again. Probably the Starbucks as caffiene and niccotine are my vices.

Idea #2: Find a bike night and be the creepy guy who doesn't talk to anyone. At least people will remember you.

Good point. Makes me want to find that crew I rode with several nights ago going north to the Sonic and back just to apologize to them, sheesh.

Yeah,like "why is your chain on the wrong side " lol

LOL, my dad (awesome motorcycle mechanic of 35+ yrs in Colorado, is asked to talk to directly by Yamaha all the time) used to go up to punk streetbike riders that have the Mohawk on their helmet and ask them, “What the hell did YOU do to piss off your barber??” Some great conversations then went on, but my dad is just that openly friendly with people. He started riding about the same age that I did, so he’s been in the circuit a while.

Really? I've never hear of another Sebastopol. I'm in the one by the coast, in Sonoma County.

MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map is a wonderful tool. Look it up sometime =) Heck, have some fun and google your name to see what comes up. You may be surprised.

I find the best way to "Break the Ice" is to talk to someone about their bike, ask questions about what thay have done to it (Even better if you notice something different) and find out where they like to ride and can let you in on the GOOD roads and any others worth avoiding...Crap surface, too much police activity, good places to stop, etc....EASY:thumbup:

Well that works when you’re stopped, but how about while you’re riding and you want to join their group? I’ve seen TONS of mods on some of the bikes out there, wondering how much they cost, why they went that route instead of another one, etc. Good tip, thank you.

Sorry for the long one all, but wanted to nail out one post instead of posting several. :D

Dont think too much about it...most riders are cool, no matter what type of bike they ride. just say 'hi' and don't look funny and you'll make friends.
You could try meetup.com too. I know I've met some people on there and been on some awesome rides set up through there.

This whole thread makes me think of a dating website with advice on talking to women, lol, "just go talk to them."