i scratched my whole bike using this!


Junior Member
Feb 20, 2008
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my fz was covered with bugs so i used this sponge to clean it and after it dried i realised that it was all scratched and that fine polish was gone!!! So stupid...I tried to polish it with turtle wax but plastic parts are ruined... Atleast bugs are gone lol
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I don't know what to say man, that sucks big time. Damn, that picture is hard to look at.

Thanks for posting; it might help someone else to avoid the same mistake. What's your plan of attack to fix it, or are you just going to leave it like that for now?
almost all of that will polish out.
but leave it to the pros, this isnt a driveway DIY as plastics are very easy to burn through using a high speed orbiting polisher

remember: only microfibre cloths and a wash mitt should ever touch paint
There goes the value down by $300 atleast. Sucks. See if you can consult some one on buffing out the scratches.

sorry man....had to do it. May be a good time to go naked?
my fz was covered with bugs so i used this sponge to clean it and after it dried i realised that it was all scratched and that fine polish was gone!!! So stupid...I tried to polish it with turtle wax but plastic parts are ruined... Atleast bugs are gone lol[/QUOTE

Sorry man. You might have saved another person from doing this. When I was 16 or 17 I used SOS pads on Chrome Wheels. Looked great when I finisned but it rusted then bad.

I know you have tried a wax but what about a Polish or Colored Polish? This is just a thought. I have no experience in this area.
Go get some Novus Polish.

Comes in 3 forms. Novus # 1 is used as a plastic cleaner and polish, great for your windscreen, visor, goggles, and yes the fairing.

Novus # 2 to get out some fine scratches.

Novus # 3 for heavy scratches, you may not need it. You might be able to get away with just using # 2 with some elbow grease. Just make sure you only use the # 1 for your windscreen and your visor, as they are made out of polycarbonate, not plastic.

You can get them online or the local Harley dealership may carry it. That's where I got mine.
almost all of that will polish out.
but leave it to the pros, this isnt a driveway DIY as plastics are very easy to burn through using a high speed orbiting polisher

remember: only microfibre cloths and a wash mitt should ever touch paint

This is good advice. Take it to a body shop and tell them what happened. They will be able to compound and polish it like new. You can attempt it but you will likely have to hand compound it first. Maybe two grades of compound and then polish. It can be done by hand....but it's a little intense hand work.

Happy rubbing!
I inadvertantly used one of those pads to clean a spot of grime off my smooth-top over...scratched that up too!! Soap and a soft cloth should get bugs off.
I'm sorry... I was laughing too hard to respond the last 4 times I read this. Almost as epic as lonesoldier's oil change.

I have to ask what ^^^^^ said.... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!?
man that sucks,next time u have bugs all over spray some windex let sit for 5 mins or so then wash ,it should remove most of the bugs,i dont know if its safe to spray on windscreen that plastic seems really soft.a paint shop should be have no problem buffin out the problem.be ready to spend at least 150 to 200 to have done well. :noworries:
McGuires make a plastic cut & polish called Plastex...this works...takes about 10 applications, but it works......