I need Kindersurprise


Sep 15, 2007
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Foster City, CA
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Since I live in the lovely US of A, my government protects me from a terrible death by banning the import of the very dangerous Kindersurprise chocolate egg. I am unable to purchase these disgusting chocolate eggs with the snazzy toy inside anywhere in the 50 states.
But I have a problem, I have a father that is scooter crazy, not just a fan, a totally obsessive compusive, maniacal Vespa owner. His life will not be complete until he finds his own elusive Kinder Vespa that he read about in Vroom with a View.
This obsession lead him to purchasing a 3 pack of Kindersurprise almost every day on his travels to Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy a couple of years ago, with no luck in his search.
I saw on the Canadian Kinder website that the 2008 toy collection includes the dratted Vespa but I cannot find anyone online who will import these diabolical, inedible chocolates to my safe US of A.
So in the hope of giving my wonderful and very cool but overly obsessed father an opportunity to have a box of Kindersurprise and the chance to find the damn toy under the Christmas tree this year I am putting out a call to my fellow FZ riders. Anyone interested in sending a box down to me from the great white north? I have Paypal, I have autographed hockey stuff, name your price!
Thanks :thumbup:
The things you take for granted - I'm a transplanted Canadian and I never looked for kinder surprise in the US (no kids 'til recently and he's not into chocolate yet) but man are kids here missing out. If the link doesn't work PM me and maybe we can work something out as I'm heading North for Christmas.
Yes the toys typically are crappy, but I must say ingenious engineering for how they break them down to fit in that little toy, pod, capsule thinger.
I now know more than I ever wanted to know about Kinder eggs, they dont make the same toys in each country and the only one I could see that guarantees Vespa's in 08 is Canadian Kinder.
So if there isnt anyone in Canada at the moment that I can have them shipped to who can ship em to me then I will take you up on your offer bcityroller :) thanks!