I Dropped it


Hairy Faced Idiot
Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
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What was I doing? Flying round a bend at 65? Pulling a massive wheelie? Out on a track day?

Nope. I was doing a U turn about about 2mph and went over a patch of gravel. I felt the bike start to slide so i put my foot down (on another patch of gravel) and ended up on the floor, with a bike on top of my leg.

I've scratched the right hand top fairing, a little bit on the frame, and a bit of engine cover.
between £150 and £200 to have it fixed apparently. Bummer.
Worst thing of all?
It's only 3 weeks old.
Man that nearly happened to me yesterday in a parking lot, i grabbed it an inch from the floor..Thank goodness i got it on time

It fixable m8 no worries, if its only scratches and nothing broken ,,paint will do the job
Showers on and off. It's OK today so far but it's been pretty changeable of late.

Enjoy Sonisphere I'll be in the King's Cross control centre making sure the trains get people home after.
It happens. I'd probably leave it till the end of the summer then fix it. Put some sliders on if you have not done so already. :thumbup:
Showers on and off. It's OK today so far but it's been pretty changeable of late.

Enjoy Sonisphere I'll be in the King's Cross control centre making sure the trains get people home after.

I will do my best to enjoy it. I've managed to win two tickets, so i'm getting a free lift there of Mrs Mark85 and staying in a hotel. Score!
On the downside, I did have another look at the bike and see some scratches in the tank which have about doubled the repair cost.
I don't suppose any of you know any good repair shops in yorkshire, or if any of you work in one somewhere that would do me the right price if I travel ;)

sorry to hear that, but it happens. motorcycles are by default objects that have a tendency to drop, thats why frame sliders arent considered mods, but a nessesity

PS: whats with all the gravel you guys? where the heck do you drive FZ6/fazers?
There are lots of very inexpensive frame slider on the new Ebay link. I'm already on my second set since I bought the bike in March and the $25x2 has saved me hundreds in both a driveway drop and a lowside in sand around a blind corner at 30MPH. In both instances the frame sliders took up to 95% of the damage. Other than some non-descript scratches on the back of the right mirror, the body of the bike never hit the ground.
And that is why we have the "Hall of Shame" Thread/Forum.

Go check it out, it will make you feel better. Welcome to the club.
What was I doing? Flying round a bend at 65? Pulling a massive wheelie? Out on a track day?

Nope. I was doing a U turn about about 2mph and went over a patch of gravel. I felt the bike start to slide so i put my foot down (on another patch of gravel) and ended up on the floor, with a bike on top of my leg.

I've scratched the right hand top fairing, a little bit on the frame, and a bit of engine cover.
between £150 and £200 to have it fixed apparently. Bummer.
Worst thing of all?
It's only 3 weeks old.

Sorry to hear about that mate. Dropped mine about three months back pulled up in a country lane loads of gravel on side of road. Just put my foot down on the road, Wallop flat out with bike on my leg got up all embarrassed dusted my self down, picked the bike up feared the worse wow not a mark on the bike what luck hey. :(

Then i said to myself what a great investment when I had crash protectors fitted on the bike from new. :thumbup:
sorry to hear that, but it happens. motorcycles are by default objects that have a tendency to drop, thats why frame sliders arent considered mods, but a nessesity

PS: whats with all the gravel you guys? where the heck do you drive FZ6/fazers?

I agree that sliders aren't mods but I did get an insurance quote once where they tried to tell me that sliders ARE mods.
They didn't get my business.

For the benefit of UK readers it was MCE.
Unless you are Hercules, I doubt you saved your bike from falling an inch from the ground. There is just no way.

Um... well I have basically done the same thing. That is I dropped my bike but was able to save it a couple of inches off the ground. I'm not hercules. It is just amazing what your reflexes can do when you are agile and watching your pride and joy going down.

Um... well I have basically done the same thing. That is I dropped my bike but was able to save it a couple of inches off the ground. I'm not hercules. It is just amazing what your reflexes can do when you are agile and watching your pride and joy going down.


Am not saying that its always possible, but i got a good grip on the bike before it went down and my foot helped me.

I feel u man, sorry for the fall.:(