I Don’t Like Wearing a Helmet, It Ruins My Hair

Whether or not you have insurance, people who are in hospitals due to their own recklessness delay treatment for those who end up in emergency rooms through no fault of their own.
Here in the UK health care is state funded and although we have to wear helmets, those who have accidents when they ride in shorts/no gloves etc drain the fixed and already meagre budgets of our health service.
I really hate hearing those self righteous comments about "it's my right" etc.
They have thought for their fellow citizens.
Rant over.
I agree with most of everything here but not 100%. It doesn't bother me hardly at all if I see a bicyle rider or even a moped rider going around the block sans helmet. But the HD image thing and how some (many/all?) Harley riders get so righteous and stuff, saying that metric bikes are all P.O.S.'s, sound like sewing machines, blah, blah, and more blah. And, they go around acting as if, all of a sudden, they're "too bad" to go around wearing a full-face helmet (or any helmet). They have to go parade around with the rudest and loudest pipes, Beenie Bop helmets and brag about how all the chicks are crazy about them. You know, they say, "Hey, get rid of the metric P.O.S. and get a Harley and then chicks will be all over you, man." I find the Harley image to be more and more nauseating. I read recently that HD stock is going down the tubes and dealerships are closing down left and right. Cracks me up how some of these Harley paraphalia shops will outfit you in Harley-Davidson t-shirts, socks, (under panties?), bandanas, (tampons?), hats, gloves, vests, braclets, neckties, (toilet tissue?), everything. It's like "Hey man, we're too old for Sponge Bob, what about Harley Davidson? Yeah man, Harley, man, do the Harley-Davidson image, hee-haw, hee-hawwww."
I agree with most of everything here but not 100%. It doesn't bother me hardly at all if I see a bicyle rider or even a moped rider going around the block sans helmet. But the HD image thing and how some (many/all?) Harley riders get so righteous and stuff, saying that metric bikes are all P.O.S.'s, sound like sewing machines, blah, blah, and more blah. And, they go around acting as if, all of a sudden, they're "too bad" to go around wearing a full-face helmet (or any helmet). They have to go parade around with the rudest and loudest pipes, Beenie Bop helmets and brag about how all the chicks are crazy about them. You know, they say, "Hey, get rid of the metric P.O.S. and get a Harley and then chicks will be all over you, man." I find the Harley image to be more and more nauseating. I read recently that HD stock is going down the tubes and dealerships are closing down left and right. Cracks me up how some of these Harley paraphalia shops will outfit you in Harley-Davidson t-shirts, socks, (under panties?), bandanas, (tampons?), hats, gloves, vests, braclets, neckties, (toilet tissue?), everything. It's like "Hey man, we're too old for Sponge Bob, what about Harley Davidson? Yeah man, Harley, man, do the Harley-Davidson image, hee-haw, hee-hawwww."

Dude, you seem to be taking this very seriously... we all ride bikes and we all are more or less slaves to the motorcycle marketing industry... for each Harley rider that focuses too much on his image, rides without a helmet, and buys all sorts of Harley crap, I can give you a sport bike rider that does the same poser things with his stretched gixxer and ICON gear (minus the helmet in Florida)...

I don't get all the hate for Harley riders... I know a few of them and they're human just like you and me, and unfortunately the human race is crippled with idiots... riding Harley or Gixxer or Yamaha...

Just my opinion...
Dude, you seem to be taking this very seriously... we all ride bikes and we all are more or less slaves to the motorcycle marketing industry... for each Harley rider that focuses too much on his image, rides without a helmet, and buys all sorts of Harley crap, I can give you a sport bike rider that does the same poser things with his stretched gixxer and ICON gear (minus the helmet in Florida)...

I don't get all the hate for Harley riders... I know a few of them and they're human just like you and me, and unfortunately the human race is crippled with idiots... riding Harley or Gixxer or Yamaha...

Just my opinion...

Yeah you're right. It's human nature.
We need to unite and face our common enemy, cagers.
Dude, you seem to be taking this very seriously... we all ride bikes and we all are more or less slaves to the motorcycle marketing industry... for each Harley rider that focuses too much on his image, rides without a helmet, and buys all sorts of Harley crap, I can give you a sport bike rider that does the same poser things with his stretched gixxer and ICON gear (minus the helmet in Florida)...

I don't get all the hate for Harley riders... I know a few of them and they're human just like you and me, and unfortunately the human race is crippled with idiots... riding Harley or Gixxer or Yamaha...

Just my opinion...

Nah, just having some fun. Call it hate if you want. Personally, I think the term is becoming almost meaningless. To me, it's having some fun with Harley riders, the ones really taking things way too seriously. I still will wave at a Harley rider coming from the opposite direction on a lonely highway. But, you know, it's ALWAYS the Harley rider who sometimes just blows me off and rides right past w/o any acknowledgment.
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I don't get all the hate for Harley riders... I know a few of them and they're human just like you and me, and unfortunately the human race is crippled with idiots... riding Harley or Gixxer or Yamaha...

Just my opinion...

I think the hate was directed at the HD boys after you decided to play devils advocate posting up those 2 links :rockon: :BLAA:

All's fair in love and war ..they hate us just as much, their ingnorance/arrogance isnt just reserved for the US, ive found them to behave the same here in the UK...which is sad really, bikers should be one family..but for some bikes are a religion and we all know what a mess the world is in cos of that
I think the hate was directed at the HD boys after you decided to play devils advocate posting up those 2 links :rockon: :BLAA:

lol yeah... I can provide an unlimited supply of threads like these from the Suzuki forum too though, trust me!!!! :D :rockon:
Heh .i bet you could...stupidity is indiscriminate of motorcyle brand.Pedal cyclists can be just as bad too (my pet hate)
I guess I don't fully understand why people still choose NOT to wear a helmet. Even if a rider never crashes during his or her riding career, a helmet (especially a full face helmet) makes riding much safer.

I don't have any scientific proof to back this up, but my eyes start watering at speeds over 30 mph unless my faceshield is closed. I could not imagine cruising down the road at 60+ MPH with the full force of wind blowing across my unprotected eyes. Even with close fitting sunglasses, the wind still finds it's way inside and makes my eyes water.

My helmet has protected my face at least one bird-strike, and it's amazing how much energy a June bug or similar size flying insect can transfer to your head while at speed.

Even if Michigan were to repeal it's helmet law tomorrow, I will continue wearing my helmet. It's a necessary piece of gear!
If it were up to me, I'd make it a felony for those who enter a bathroom w/o a helmet on. Seriosly, do you know how many head injuries there have been in a bathroom because some clown wasn't wearing a crash helmet? Many people have slipped on the shower floor or bathroom floor and cracked their head open. You don't really need to shampoo your hair since then you would have to remove your helmet. What's worse, dirty, oily hair or a cracked skull with extreme brain trauma? ATGATT!
Nah, just having some fun. Call it hate if you want. Personally, I think the term is becoming almost meaningless. To me, it's having some fun with Harley riders, the ones really taking things way too seriously. I still will wave at a Harley rider coming from the opposite direction on a lonely highway. But, you know, it's ALWAYS the Harley rider who sometimes just blows me off and rides right past w/o any acknowledgment.

I never acknowledge them - they always ignore me and give me a "you're a piece of s**t" look. Don't know if it's because I'm on a "rice-burner" as they call them, or because I'm a girl. 90% of REAL riders always tilt their head at me or give me the thumbs up when they ride by. :thumbup:

With HD riders, I think it's to do with the amount of bugs they ingest. I mean, no helmet and a smirk on their face - must catch and swallow a lot of bugs.... :eek:

Always be suspicous of a man with a bandana, skull rings, black leather vest and black leather pants!...... :scared:
I think it is so funny. That same tough guy motorcycle rider that refuses to put on a helmet will put on gloves and safety glasses when chopping firewood. They wear other preventative clothing that corresponds with the work they are doing but then claim some BS reason why they don't wear a helmet. I would say in most (all?) cases it really is just a image thing. I will often give my 8 year old a thump on the head when he is wearing his helmet. He is smart enough to know when I walk up to him when he is wearing a helmet and I make a fit he just gets a grin on his face and stands there. But If i did the same thing while he was just standing there without a helmet he would shrink away. How does this simple principle escape the mind of some people?