How many miles do you get out of a set of tires ?

I'm starting to think that alot of people change tire prematurely. I can see changing early because you use them on the track, but for commuting, 5000mi seems kind of early. If any has pics of tires they took off after so little miles, I would love to see them.

No pictures, but on my 020's the rear tire was flat spotted on the rear, front was cupping really badly and I was into the wear bars on both.

For the 016's I ran into the wear bars on the sides of the front tire, and almost to them on the rear. Slight flat spot on the rear as well, but not bad.

I ride agressively... What can I say.
I'm starting to think that alot of people change tire prematurely. I can see changing early because you use them on the track, but for commuting, 5000mi seems kind of early. If any has pics of tires they took off after so little miles, I would love to see them.

Not me...rubber is precious and I use it

This is a Michelin Pilot Power 1. The middle is supposed to be the same compound as the 2ct but the sides are harder on the 1 ct.

I'm starting to think that alot of people change tire prematurely. I can see changing early because you use them on the track, but for commuting, 5000mi seems kind of early. If any has pics of tires they took off after so little miles, I would love to see them.

here go!!

on most my old bikes 5-6k was about it.. the stock rear came off the fiz at about 5k the diablo that replaced it was about 3k the front was 8.5k now well see how bt021's do.. the tiger has about 4800 now and it will need it about 5k or so.. even if not i have pr2's on order and they are going on as soon as they get here.. if there is life left i will hold them as spares as they will fit either bike

here are the most recent tires mentioned

stock bt020 rear at about 5,000 (I/we only put about 3,000 miles on it.. it was well worn at 2,500 miles when we got the bike (and yes i am sure of the miles as that is the milage the 0do had on it..)


diablo rear with about 3,000


the stock bt 020 front at about 8,500miles not completly dead but cupping good and was replaceing the rear anyway.


my rear pilot road at about 4,500 miles front and rear



replacements bt021 for her and pilot road 2's for me (mine are on back order)

about 100 miles on them.. i will compare pics later as we rack the miles on them.

i'm on my second rear at 14000 miles. i only got about 4500 from the factory rear and around 7000 on the front. i got almost 7000 out of my second rear. i've been running shinko 009 front and rear. they've held everything i've thrown at them even rolled the bead on the front and rear tires before.
i normally run about 1/4 to 1/8th inch chicken stripes on the sides so i run them pretty hard into the corners. and the still handle great 2 up.
I got 14,162 out of the stock tires. I finally changed them because the front was cupped so badly I bounced around corners. I didn't realize how squared off the rear tire was until I rode out of the shop with the new tires. I nearly fell over pulling out of the garage because I had gotten used to riding on the flat spot.

I've got 4,000 on the new ones this year (BT020's) with moderate signs of wear and about 1/2 to 3/4 inch chicken strips on each side of the rear.
I'm starting to think that alot of people change tire prematurely. I can see changing early because you use them on the track, but for commuting, 5000mi seems kind of early. If any has pics of tires they took off after so little miles, I would love to see them.

There are so many variables on tire wear that threads like these are rather pointless. Putting a blanket statement that 5000 miles on a tire is too early is a tough call. On my M3's I was down to the tread bars by 4500 miles. The road conditions here in the NC are rather nice as compared to the tar in SC and parts of Va.

On my Avon Storms I got right at 7000 miles out of them. I am hoping to get more than that out of my PR2's.

In my honest opinion tires are not something to try and "stretch out." Too much rides on too little. Consider this, the contact patch on a typical MC tire is about the size of a soda can... I am personally not willing to risk my life and some one elses in the attempt to get more miles. Once Im close to the bars they come off.

Not only does your riding style take effect things to consider are
-air pressure and how often you check
-road surface
-road temps
-proper balancing
-rider weight
-overall bike loading
-Suspension set up

Everyone's style is different so these numbers can be all over the place. My suggestion is to keep trying different tires and keep a log of how many miles you get out of each of them. In that log keep a list of pro and cons of each tire as well. Things like cold weather traction and wet traction. Bike feel and lean angle.

My personal goal is to get 8000 miles of a rear tire. In addition I would like a tire that is good in the wet and warms up quickly.

So far I am happy with the PR2's they make the bike much more nibble feeling and the lean angle is nice. I have drug the pegs more one these tires than with the storms and the M3's, but at the same time my abilities as a rider have improved as I moved through that list.

The Avons were a great tire, they had amazing grip but made the bike feel heavy as opposed to the PR2's. The Avons were extremely slick when they were new.

If I get 8000 miles out of the PR2 will they be my tire of choice? No. Gotta keep trying new things...

Just my .02

I got 5k miles out of the stock BT-020 before they were both down to the wear bars (all the way across both tires, no chicken strips or worn out centers with plenty of rubber on shoulders). I just replaced them with new ones (same tire) and am enjoying a much smoother ride. I should have done it before.

I was tempted to try another tire but the OEM tires have been really good to me. They've not let me down in any condition and I feel that my daily commute is a bit tricky for sport bike tires, i.e. up and down steep hills that are cold and wet most mornings and evenings. The tires have also performed very well in the twisties.
I got 17,000 on my last set of 2CT's. Could have gotten 20K if I didn't pick up a nail in my rear tire. I wasn't even a the wear mark yet. I have posted a review along with pics in the Tire Tech Section of the Forum.
yeah you guys must be changing too early, you really should at least get 20,000 from performance street tires and about 50,000 from sport-touring tires. :rolleyes:
with the bridgestone BT20 ones, i have ridden 10.000 km, and they are still looking brand new, im assuming that they will hold for at least 25.000km, too bad cause they suck on cold conditions.
4,800 and the original BT019's are dead. Shop is trying to talk me into the BT-021's, but I really Road Smarts. Plus I'm having trouble warming up to the the BT-021 front tread patern...visual thing for me I guess.
I got about 8000 Km's, that's about 5000 miles out of my stock Dunlops, I then changed to Pilot road 2CT's, the uppermost wear bars are now just level with the tyre surface and that's after just over 20000 Km's, 12500 miles. I'm not the lightest of people at 100Kg's and I was very impressed with the milage I got out of them, and they handle well. I will definately be getting the same tyre again, but I'm going to squeeze a few more km's out of these for now :spank:
Tailgate: If im lucky.... Well... lately i guess they are not "completly" bald at 5K but still need changing..... Probably could have gotten another 3-500 miles out of them... but... not going to risk it anymore..
yeah you guys must be changing too early, you really should at least get 20,000 from performance street tires and about 50,000 from sport-touring tires. :rolleyes:

???? How? Throw it on a trailer and tote it all around the US? <grin>

I know keeping it under a hundred would help extend the life of the tire.. but would severely shorten the life of my a$$ on long rides... This past week it took me 8 1/2 hours to ride to Milwaukee from STL with stops and doing the speed limit.. Took me 6 hours to get home :)

-=- George
I squeezed 10k out of my OEM Dunlap's and they were TRASH by then. I have found in the past that if you buy "W" rated tires rather than the 200 mph "Z" rated (which is a bit of overkill on a 600) the compound is a little harder and lasts longer. However, if you're someone who lays the bike on the pegs at full throttle through the corners on a cool day this could prove to be painful.
like i said before... this was at 3,000. i would like to see someone ride that to 5,000 or more!!

I'm starting to think that alot of people change tire prematurely. I can see changing early because you use them on the track, but for commuting, 5000mi seems kind of early. If any has pics of tires they took off after so little miles, I would love to see them.

here go!!

diablo rear with about 3,000
