How fast have you ever driven fz6?

I was going 180km/h.

04 stock naked fz6

I have the bike for only 3 weeks, so I don't want to go to fast to soon.
180km/h in rush hour is fast enough for me.
I was going on I-10 from Baton Rouge to New Orleans and had it somewhere between 130-135mph. I was watching road more than the speedometer. Had lots of RPM left.

Randy C
I cant remember if i posted in this thread or not but i had my silver 05 to 164mph indicated, the faired version.
TailGate we get you dont like it just dont look at it then !!!! i understand were ur coming from its just you said it once and we got the point....
You guys modded your bikes with flux capacitors or something? :eek:

I hit 88, my hair catches on fire and I'm sent back to the future.
Riding it like a surfboard and doing a wheelie at the same time I hit 150mph.

Actually somewhere around 120 not to sure, I was watching the road not the speedo.
Last season I had an opportunity to ride FZ6- 150km/h
I was really shocked, it was so easy to ride so fast. I didn't want to go faster because I don't have enough experience.

As a passenger: on zx10- 270km/h and while doing wheelie- 160km/h
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124.986 mph,Bonneville Sept. 2009 Bub Trials,dead stock 08 FZ-6,at 4,200 ft above sea level you run out of air early. Also if you are less than 250Lbs would help to raise the speed.:D
Last season I had an opportunity to ride FZ6- 150km/h
I was really shocked, it was so easy to ride so fast. I didn't want to go faster because I don't have enough experience.

As a passenger: on zx10- 270km/h and while doing wheelie- 160km/h

From some open road riding to visit my grandparents I can definately say that the bike actually runs best in almost all respects in the 130-150km/h area, it just handles perfectly, and seems far more comfortable running wise.
It can go alot faster, but the roads here aren't good enough for it to be worthwhile, or if they are there are generally plenty of cops around to catch you.
about 90 (w/ fairing) on the interstate trying to get around an 18-wheeler.

i'm really not that interested in going as fast as possible. i actually never thought i'd go that fast. but the speed limit was 70... so everyone was doing at least 80... and i wanted to hurry up and get around the semi.
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152 mph tucked, all she would give me flat out on a newly paved road on the Olympic Peninsula on a cool day by the ocean. But I weight 190 lbs. and have a really big head that probably lost me 10 -20 mph from wind resistance ;-)

For those of you who said 100 mph+ 2 up, :spank::spank:
(just my 2cents for the kids, I'm not trying to start nothing.
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