How do you fill your tank?

What's your technique for re-fueling?

  • Place on centerstand and fill while off or on bike

    Votes: 65 22.2%
  • Place on sidestand, fill while off bike

    Votes: 143 48.8%
  • Remain on seat, fill while keeping bike level with foot/feet

    Votes: 85 29.0%
  • Take my chances with full-service fill-up!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
whoa calm down Agmom, i was just joking with the lazy americans! :O

I dont sit on my bike to fuel up because im lazy, as that wouldnt make sense anyway as i have to go to the kiosk to pay anyway...I, as with others, sit on it wholly because it keeps it level and i dont physically need to get off to fill up as you would with a car. Although, today i decided to get off and fill up, just because i read this forum and thought id give it a whirl lol :D

the only problem i have with sitting on the bike and filling is that the nozzle is pretty long and i have to have it almost vertical, which isnt too easy because you end up holding it above your head :p

I've always had my doubts about there being much of a difference between filling the tank on the sidestand vs the centerstand. That gascap is right on the top of a curved fuel tank; if anything, it looks like there'd be more of a "bubble" volume immediately behind the gascap when the bike's on the centerstand, as now the bike is tipped forward just a bit.

Tonight, I needed gas on my way home from work, so I tried this: I filled the tank so the fuel was touching that plate with the large and small holes, while on the sidestand. Then I set the hose down, kicked her up on the centerstand, wrote down the gallons so I could see how much more I could put in.

The fuel was still touching that plate! I couldn't get any more gas into it unless it started going submerging that plate (do you guys do that?)

Some petrol stations have pay at pump so the process is:

Stop at pump (stay on bike)
Take off right glove (to get card out of wallet)
Stick card in pump
Type in PIN
Stick nozzle in tank
Get card
Put right glove on

Quick, easy:rockon:
yeah i agree why get off your bike. as long as your careful and watch what your doing you shouldnt spill anything. as for the staic electricity wouldnt that go away when you put your foot to the ground to hold your self
I'm reading a few posts on individuals that use the center stand for more fuel. I have not checked... anyone know how much more fuel can be placed in the tank center stand vs the side stand?

For my fuel planning - the side stand fill is enough.
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I'm reading a few posts on individuals that use the center stand for more fuel. I have not checked... anyone know how much more fuel can be placed in the tank center stand vs the side stand?

For my fuel planning - the side stand fill is enough.

I haven't checked, but I would estimate there's about a 1/2 gallon difference.
It seems some people here are easily confused between being 'Lazy' and being 'Efficient'!! :spank:

Why would I want to take 6 steps in order to do something that can be done in 3? I don't call that being lazy, I call that being efficient.

Why spend 5 mins filling my tank when I can do it in 2 mins and be on my way? Why do I need to strip down and take my helmet and gloves off, just to put gas in my tank??!?

It annoys me to no end when on a group ride, why it takes some people twice as long to do the same thing (put gas in their tank) that others do in half that time!!

It annoys me, too, when fellow riders take twice as long as I do...and I actually get off the bike when I pump gas. I don't remove my helmet, only remove one glove so that I can get my credit card out of my wallet. Pay-at-Pump...gotta love it! If I weren't efficient at the gas pump, I never would have been able to earn the following IBA plate backer:

I put her on the center stand while off of the bike and fill her up! Simple. Gives me a chance to walk around for a few minutes and check the bike out as well.
Hey Interactive3,

I live in the ONLY state which does not have Self-Serve (Oregon was the next to last hold out), Yup, NJ! My local station gas jockey takes my cc, and sets up pump after I ask him for a rag. I pump the gas myself, and they respect my wishes! I've seen other riders pull up into the same gas station and sit and fill, or let the gas jockey do it for them. (This makes me wonder where they took a Rider Education class). Sometimes you want to share your experiences with them, but if your in a rush you can't. I just hope they don't learn the hard way with a spill or something worse!

Ride Safe

Canada used to have pump handle locks too, until too many retards would leave them engaged and spray gas everywhere so now we don't have them anymore; they are illegal. The reason for having pump handle locks in the first place was more for full serve gas stations so the one attendant could run around to several cars and \"fill them up\" at the same time.

Ha ha, my trick to get around the 'removed trigger detents' while filling the truck was to wedge the truck's gas cap in between the handle and trigger for hands free operation.

.so i slap my magnetic tank bag up against it while I fill my bike. It's a handy place to store the tank bag when still being seated on the bike while you fuel! :thumbup:

I LIKE this idea!

By the way, I am also an NJ resident - the attendants all hand me the gas nozzle while I straddle the bike, hold it level and fill it. Guess I like the quick in/out. I have been filling my bikes this way for over 30 years without mishap.
Well I took the full MSF course and they never detailed anything about how one should fill thier tank, or if one method is better/prefered over another. Rider choice.

I must admit, I'm scratching my head a bit at all the people hinting that filling up while off the bike is safer; or "what about spilling", etc.

Going on 4 years now and have yet to have anything resembling a major spill or doing something I would consider 'unsafe' in terms of filling my tank. I have two hands holding and guiding the gas nozzle and can see directly into the tank as it fills. It's never splashed up gas or overflowed the tank once. It's not rocket science people.

Makes me wonder just wtf some people must be doing for some to think sitting and filling is somehow less 'safe' or causes more spills than standing..... I could insert a harsh Michael J. Fox / parkinsons joke here, but I wont....:eek:
When I fill my tank, I do something similar to a double fill of sorts.

I insert the nozzle all the way in until it stops (the hump in the tank). I fill it until it shuts off, which puts me at about half a tank. Then I pull the nozzle up and leave it about even with the base of the "bucket" in the filler hole, and 2-finger the handle so I'm not filling my tank at full-speed. It allows me to more safely control the flow of fuel until my tank is nearly 100% topped off.

I do all this while sitting on the bike, holding it upright. I've got full control of the flow of fuel, so there's no worry about spillage.
When I fill my tank, I do something similar to a double fill of sorts.

I insert the nozzle all the way in until it stops (the hump in the tank). I fill it until it shuts off, which puts me at about half a tank. Then I pull the nozzle up and leave it about even with the base of the \"bucket\" in the filler hole, and 2-finger the handle so I'm not filling my tank at full-speed. It allows me to more safely control the flow of fuel until my tank is nearly 100% topped off.

I do all this while sitting on the bike, holding it upright. I've got full control of the flow of fuel, so there's no worry about spillage.

BINGO! Too simple.
I've got full control of the flow of fuel, so there's no worry about spillage.

Or right until your foot slips, you fall away from the pump, the nozzle comes out of the gas tank and in a panic reaction you grab unto the handle harder causing more fuel to come out spraying everything in the vicinity, then just as you ahve come to grips to what is happening and release the handle your bike hits the ground just hard enough to cause a spark and ignite you and your bike...

or more realistically the guy on the other side of the pump accidentally starts a fire and here you are sitting on top of a bomb filling 'er up
Or right until your foot slips, you fall away from the pump, the nozzle comes out of the gas tank and in a panic reaction you grab unto the handle harder causing more fuel to come out spraying everything in the vicinity, then just as you ahve come to grips to what is happening and release the handle your bike hits the ground just hard enough to cause a spark and ignite you and your bike...

or more realistically the guy on the other side of the pump accidentally starts a fire and here you are sitting on top of a bomb filling 'er up

The exact same thing could happen while you're off the bike and standing next to it.

I have delrin frame spark there.
The frame is spark there.'re over reacting. You're more likely to get hit by a car than it is for you to have a problem while filling your bike.
My point was why take the chance... yes it is unlikely it will happen but being off your bike is safer and only takes a second