How do you fill your tank?

What's your technique for re-fueling?

  • Place on centerstand and fill while off or on bike

    Votes: 65 22.2%
  • Place on sidestand, fill while off bike

    Votes: 143 48.8%
  • Remain on seat, fill while keeping bike level with foot/feet

    Votes: 85 29.0%
  • Take my chances with full-service fill-up!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok, I think we've officially beat'n the hell out of this topic. Jesus, 8 pages on "how to put gas in your tank" for the love of god.

Bottom line: do what works best for YOU.

Some people will sky dive for 30 years and never have an accident. Others will kill themselves falling down a set of stairs. Go figure.
My point was why take the chance... yes it is unlikely it will happen but being off your bike is safer and only takes a second

Because I don't want to get off my bike. Call me a 'daredevil'....:rolleyes: I'm also not functionally retarded and can manage the monumental task of somehow managing to fill up a f*cking gas tank without blowing up the gas station of soaking myself in 20L of gas before I even realize I'm doing it...

Well to go with your line of thinking then why take the "chance" riding a motorcycle in the first place then? A car might be safer! Or why not have the gas sation attendant fill up your bike for you while you run off and maintain a safety perimeter of 30ft. I mean why take the chance.....;)

Do you go out in the rain? You might get struck by lighting too....yes it is unlikely it will happen but why take the chance? See how stupid that sounds.....

F me dead man. We are talking about sticking a hose into a tank and pulling a handle. If you can't acomplish this simple task be it, standing, sitting or what ever, without incident, I would strongly advise you review your decision on riding a bike in the first place.
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Because I don't want to get off my bike. Call me a 'daredevil'....:rolleyes: I'm also not functionally retarded and can manage the monumental task of somehow managing to fill up a f*cking gas tank without blowing up the gas station of saoking myself in 20L of gas...

Well to go with your line of thinking then why take the \"chance\" riding a motorcycle in the first place then? A car might be safer! Or why not have the gas sation attendant fill up your bike for you while you run off and maintain a safety perimeter of 30ft. I mean why take the chance.....;)

Do you go out in the rain? You might get struck by lighting too....yes it is unlikely it will happen but why take the chance? See how stupid that sounds.....

Its all about beneifts vs risks. For me I'd rather be safer than save what not even a minute tops? thats like 5 minutes over 1000 miles. Just think what you could do!!!!

When gasoline ignites it burns fast and I'd rather not be sitting on 5 gallons of it. You are of course right to each his own and if you torch off your manhood I will visit you in the hopsital.
Or right until your foot slips, you fall away from the pump, the nozzle comes out of the gas tank and in a panic reaction you grab unto the handle harder causing more fuel to come out spraying everything in the vicinity, then just as you ahve come to grips to what is happening and release the handle your bike hits the ground just hard enough to cause a spark and ignite you and your bike...

or more realistically the guy on the other side of the pump accidentally starts a fire and here you are sitting on top of a bomb filling 'er up
Or worse, while standing next to your bike (instead of sitting on it) you slip on a spot of gas, body slam into your bike, knock it over while the gas nozzle ends up pumping gas all over the place including some into your mouth. The near red hot headers start sizzling on your face (because you took your helmet off) and you crack your head open in panic while reacting to intensity of the headers burning through your now permanantly scarred and disfigured face. While you're disoriented and still underneath the bike a passerby snatches your ignition key out of the bike and runs off.
Or worse, while standing next to your bike (instead of sitting on it) you slip on a spot of gas, body slam into your bike, knock it over while the gas nozzle ends up pumping gas all over the place including some into your mouth. The near red hot headers start sizzling on your face (because you took your helmet off) and you crack your head open in panic while reacting to intensity of the headers burning through your now permanantly scarred and disfigured face. While you're disoriented and still underneath the bike a passerby snatches your ignition key out of the bike and runs off.

Clearly impossible! I don't take my helmet off.
I put the bike on the centerstand and fill it while standing next to it. STUFF happens, why give it a chance. If the bike is being held up while filling, what do you do when the gas surges or spills? You get covered with gas, or you drop the bike with the gas cap open. Too many things to go wrong. Maybe I'm just a careful old guy, but I'd like to ready when STUFF happens if I can, GRUMPY

I posted what works for me, it's not gospel. Just my preferance. As for "get a safer hobby", the way I choose to do something is based on my own experience and is what I'm comfortable with. Take it or leave it. It's an opinion poll after all. GRUMPY
When gasoline ignites it burns fast and I'd rather not be sitting on 5 gallons of it. You are of course right to each his own and if you torch off your manhood I will visit you in the hopsital.

Yes beacuse we've all had just soooo many 'close calls' while at the ol gas station over the years....jesus. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

You make it sound like we are filling our bikes with highly volitle Nitroglycerine.... :disapprove::banghead:

Gee since I don't smoke (at all) while filling and don't have an open source of ignition, I find it very unlikely that my junk will suddenly catch fire. But I appreciate your concern for my private parts.
Boneman, are hilarious. I can't stop laughing from what you wrote on this page alone. :D
Boneman, I guess it should go w/o saying that some, if they pulled in a service station in a cage and got full-service that they wouldn't remain inside the vehicle while the attendant pumps it in, huh? It would be too dangerous, sitting inside the cab and all while attendant pumps gas into tank. Just think if there was an explosion....Occupants inside the vehicle would be toast. Yeah, probably best bet would be to instruct the brave attendant to pump gas while driver waits across the street and waits for the "all clear" signal.
Boneman, I guess it should go w/o saying that some, if they pulled in a service station in a cage and got full-service that they wouldn't remain inside the vehicle while the attendant pumps it in, huh? It would be too dangerous, sitting inside the cab and all while attendant pumps gas into tank. Just think if there was an explosion....Occupants inside the vehicle would be toast. Yeah, probably best bet would be to instruct the brave attendant to pump gas while driver waits across the street and waits for the \"all clear\" signal.

Well of course! I mean why would you want to take that chance?? My god man! Especially if the result could possibly end in scortched pubes!!
I don't do this with the bike, but when I use to have a vehicle, I kept the motor running while I pumped fuel. I still do this with the company vehicles.

Ignore everything else in the video and concentrate on how fast the gasoline ignites at about 1:09. If you are sitting on the bike you have just been hit with a fireball. Don't think it can happen? I've seen it happen on a jetski. I was standing 10 feet away and the heat from the flames were enough to force me to turn away and shield my face. The guy who was sitting on the back of the jetski fell into WATER and suffered second and third degree burns on his body and face. Your ass would be on fire laying on pavement not water.

Gasoline is not that flammable but gasoline vapors are and guess where all those vapors are going while you have that pump pulled out and are topping off your tank? Think I'm lying. The fuel source for the jetski explosion was only fuel vapor from repeated starting attempts while the engine was flooded. What started the fire? They think it was the engine heat. Sure sure there aren't that many ignition sources or combustable materials around at a gas pump... clearly not more than a jetski surrounded by water.

You can tempt fate all you like and you may walk away everytime but you see one guy catch on fire and then dive in to the water to pull him out and you can't grab him because his skin is sloughing off. Yeah you may not want to sit on a combustion vehicle.

I'm sure this rant won't change anyone's mind but stuff happens and you spend time gearing up just in case something happens why wouldn't you take the time to get off your bike for the same reason?

You'd rather sweat then bleed... I'd rather stand up then spend time in a burn ward.
Ignore everything else in the video and concentrate on how fast the gasoline ignites at about 1:09. If you are sitting on the bike you have just been hit with a fireball. Don't think it can happen? I've seen it happen on a jetski. I was standing 10 feet away and the heat from the flames were enough to force me to turn away and shield my face. The guy who was sitting on the back of the jetski fell into WATER and suffered second and third degree burns on his body and face. Your ass would be on fire laying on pavement not water.

Gasoline is not that flammable but gasoline vapors are and guess where all those vapors are going while you have that pump pulled out and are topping off your tank? Think I'm lying. The fuel source for the jetski explosion was only fuel vapor from repeated starting attempts while the engine was flooded. What started the fire? They think it was the engine heat. Sure sure there aren't that many ignition sources or combustable materials around at a gas pump... clearly not more than a jetski surrounded by water.

You can tempt fate all you like and you may walk away everytime but you see one guy catch on fire and then dive in to the water to pull him out and you can't grab him because his skin is sloughing off. Yeah you may not want to sit on a combustion vehicle.

I'm sure this rant won't change anyone's mind but stuff happens and you spend time gearing up just in case something happens why wouldn't you take the time to get off your bike for the same reason?

You'd rather sweat then bleed... I'd rather stand up then spend time in a burn ward.

The thing to keep in mind with a jet ski is that the tank down inside the hull, essentially trapping the vapors, as they are heavier than air. This is why boats have blowers-to remove the gas vapors from the hull prior to attempting to start the boat.

Bikes don't have these problems.
And what are the 'odds' of this happening? 1/10,000,000? I think I would have a better chance of winning the Power Ball than having a static charge ignite my gas tank while filling....I can go find a hundered videos of idiots falling down stairs...dosen't mean that everyone who use stairs is gonna fall down em.

Necro - I still find it highly amusing that you keep yammering on about 'tempting fate' and 'taking chances' yet you ride a motorcycle!?! Your very actions contradict your 'safety for all' comments/attitude. Seriously, "tempting fate"??...we are talking about filling a gas tank, not base jumping or working a coal mine.... Stop being the drama queen.

I'm surprised you even leave your house being that it's such a big, scarry, explosive world we seem to live in. I would say that the act of riding a motorcyle is far more dangerous than the act of putting gas in it's tank.

Everytime you walk outside your front door you take a tempt fate my friend. As Al Pachino said "You can get killed...walk'n your doggie!".
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And what are the 'odds' of this happening? 1/10,000,000? I think I would have a better chance of winning the Power Ball than having a static charge ignite my gas tank while filling....I can go find a hundered videos of idiots falling down stairs...dosen't mean that everyone who use stairs is gonna fall down em.

Necro - I still find it highly amusing that you keep yammering on about 'tempting fate' and 'taking chances' yet you ride a motorcycle!?! Your very actions contradict your 'safety for all' comments/attitude. Seriously, \\"tempting fate\\"??...we are talking about filling a gas tank, not base jumping or working a coal mine.... Stop being the drama queen.

I'm surprised you even leave your house being that it's such a big, scarry, explosive world we seem to live in. I would say that the act of riding a motorcyle is far more dangerous than the act of putting gas in it's tank.

Everytime you walk outside your front door you take a tempt fate my friend. As Al Pachino said \\"You can get killed...walk'n your doggie!\\".

Do you wear gear when you ride your motorcycle?
Do you check your tires for leaks and check their pressure?
Do you keep your bike in good working order?

What is the point of all this? It is to minimize the risk of riding a motorcycle and in the event that something happens you will minimize its impacts.

How much does gear cost?
How long does it take to check over your bike?
What do you have to sacrifice to keep your bike in good working order?

Yet you are too lazy to put a stand down and get off the bike? It's free, its fast, and its safer.

Do you check your mirrors when you are the first car to stop at a signal?
Do you wait for a car to pull up behind you before you take it out of neutral?
Do you try to make yourself visible when stopped at that signal?

Why? Because some idiot may not be paying attention and you need to be ready to act and get out of the way.

Yet how vulnerable are you to getting rear ended when you are sitting at a gas pump that probably screens you and your bike entirely from view. How quickly can you get out of the way with that fuel pump in your hand while you are concentrating on getting every last drop in there? How likely is that lady to see you who is driving her suv, has her 3 kids in the back, and is late for work but first she needs to get gas?

You take all these preventitive measures but you won't get off your bike?

Yeah I may be the scared one but at least my logic makes sense. I ride a motorcycle for many reasons and the benefits for me out weigh the risks of riding it. I try to minimize those risks even further when I am on and off the bike because I know you only get one shot at this life. Since it is safer to fuel your bike off of it and the only trade off is a little lost time and maybe a few drops off gas I will take it.

You on the other hand minimize risks when riding the bike by doing such things as spending time and money on gear and maintenance. But when it comes to something as simple as getting off the bike which costs a lot less than maintenance or gear you aren't willing to minimize your risks. Too top it off you think you are in control of the situation because you aren't stopped on the street yet when you are on the street you know that being stopped doesn't protect you.

I'm not the one contradiciting myself. I weigh my benefits vs risks and try to minimize my risks when it is beneficial. You on the otherhand weigh your benefits and risks and only minimize the risk when it costs you MORE time and money. I don't care what world you live in you can't tell me that it is more complicated to get off your bike than it is to pick out appropriate gear.

You can defend it however you like and you can continue to do it... and maybe it is statistically more likely you will win the powerball then blow up... but I do know that it is statistically safer to fuel your bike off of it then on it.