Honor for a fallen soldier.

Its great to see a video like this. Makes me proud to do what i do. Im glad to see there is still people that care about what the military does as oppose to what the news says.

Thank You for posting this im kinda ashamed to say it but i too did cry
I did too. I was sad for the loss of that young mans future. I was also proud that he understood what freedom means and its value. I am proud to know that many other people feel the same way I do.
That's almost enough to get me to move to Georgia. It's so refreshing and encouraging to to see that there's still some patriotic enclaves in America. And to Slideshow and the other military guys (and gals?) on the forum, God bless you and keep you safe. It's an honor to have you here.
Thanks for posting the video. It definitely got me a bit teary eye'd. I am pretty good about not crying, unless I see other people crying for the same reason. :rolleyes:

Glad to see there are still lots of supporters out there. Sadly, you won't see that in some areas...
Yep, thanks for posting that. That one got to me big time. So much I take for granted. I posted the following on my facebook along with the link to the video:

Gregory Jakes Here is a video that portrays a sober reminder that freedom comes at a price and that everyday is worth remembering our fallen soldiers, supporting all of our armed forces, praying for the ones fighting on our behalf, and being thankful that for the most part, Freedom prevails in the United States of America.
Thanks for posting - what a tribute! It gave me the chills and I got a little misty eyed as well. I sent the link to friends/family and another forum I post on.
Thank you for posting that.
Not much more I can say after seeing that.
I rode with the PGR for a soldier's funeral in my hometown in FL a couple yrs ago, the ride from the funeral home to the cemetery was over 20 miles & there were people along the way the entire distance, I got choked up several times seeing everyone saluting & waving flags, from very small children to very old vets, it was so amazing to be a part of it. My son will be back from Iraq tomorrow & for that I am extremely grateful.
Thank You for sharing that! Made me cry also. I do not support our government in many things it does, but I do support our troops! Sticker has been on my rear window of my car since the 2nd day I had it! I have many friends in the Army and Marines and a few in the Air Force.
Truely amazing, I do admire the way the american people honour the fallen, when i was in Iraq I attended many ceremonies for american fallen soldiers, Then we brits lost a couple of guys and we had a ceremony for them there were only a handful of us brits on the station and there must have been 2000 americans join us, it was so humbling.

I have done navy war games with the Brits, and the Norwegians. Good folk to have on your side.

I have even met Russian subariners and they were cool as hell. Hard to understand, and to proud to admit they couldnt buy lunch till we figured it out and insisted they sit the hell down and eat. Good folk, just like us.

Thanks for bringing this topic back up. That video is amazing. God bless and keep our soldiers and thier families safe, and bring peace to those who have lost all they know.