Help! How to get my front rim off to change me tire?


Not Here Enough
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I just bought some Pirelli Diablos both front and rear for an awesome price at cycle gear. Seeing how this is my only form of transportation I am kinda in a hurry. I have no idea how I am going to get the rear tire back on once it is changed.

Does anyone know of a thread on how to remove and replace the front and rear tires ( not just the rubber part ). I would pick this to be my first project to work on my bike instead of something easier like changing the oil.
remove brake caliper
loosen lock net, left and right
loosen adjusting nut, left and right
remove wheel axle nut
remove washer
remove rear wheel axle
remove washer
remove drive chain puller (left and right)
remove rear wheel
remove rear brake caliper bracket

reverse steps to install wheel

see page 4-9 for installation

drink a beer
For the rear, all you have to do is loosen the axle bolt and you're done using tools. Next you just slide the axle out and everything will just fall apart. No need to unbolt or loosen anything else.

With the front, just take it apart and put it back majic to it. You'll need a 19mm (3/4 inch) hex tool or make shift tool to get the front axle off.

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maybe you should have someone help you:thumbup: or have a shop do it.

I would have to agree here mate, how are you going to balance the wheel.
There are other easier jobs you could start with.

Good luck anyway.

If i were you i would take it to a shop and watch them do it. Most mechanics will let you watch and even give pointers for $5 extra. I change out wheels all the time for other riders. I charge $50 bucks and all i do is remove the front and rear wheel. I then let the person take the wheels down to cycle gear to get new tires installed. When thats done i put the wheels back on and adjust and clean the chain. Go to a yamaha shop, they charge 3 hours to do all of that at $80 an hour.
I kind of rambled on my last post. But, what i am trying to say is once you know how to do it it is easy. Just dont go at it with no experience if you dont have to. You can easily make a mistake that could come back to haunt you in a very painful way.

Also the balance of the tires isnt going to matter that much if you drive 30mph everywhere. If you plan to go faster i would get them balanced right. This falls into the "get someone experienced to show you" category before you attempt it yourself.

F.Y.I. Once you get experienced removing the tires you can take them down to cycle gear and they will mount and balance new tires for $20 on top of the tires. If you go to cycle gear a lot like i do then they will get to know you and mount them for free....:thumbup:
if i sounded mean and or arrigant i didnt mean to!

haha, w00t for owning up. That was my first thought.

Anyways, as for balancing, take the wheels off yourself and save the $20 unmounting/mounting fee most shops charge. Then take the wheels in your truck/car to the moto shop and have them change the TIRES and balance them.

Take them home in the car/truck and mount them up yourself. Take the $40 saved and get good beer or take your lady out to dinner....on the new bike...for the fun of it, and not to "test" the new tires!! ;)