Help - BUGSPOILER (belly pan)


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Nov 17, 2007
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Tallinn, Estonia
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I bought this belly pan on ebay.
Does anybody have the same. I need some pictures, to to see, how exactly mount this spoiler. I have same ideas, but will be thankful for Your experience.
cool looking spoiler, looks a bit more aggressive than the typical one. I look forward to how it looks when you do get it mounted.
I just came back from garage. It seems to me, it will be not easy to mount this spoiler. But human being can do almost everything, so I'll post a result later.
Hi Northern,

any luck with your belly pan?
I have exactly the same problem but the brackets they sent me are completely different...

if you managed to install it please post some pics


FZ6 '05
any luck with your belly pan?
I have exactly the same problem but the brackets they sent me are completely different...
Hi. Few days ago, I get my belly pan from the paint shop. My be tomorrow, if the weather is bad (and ain't riding) I'll put it on.
About brackets - I had to cut, bend and adjust them during installation. I'll post some pics later. These ones are from test installation.
hi Northern,

even unpainted looks awesome!
I got 5 brackets but have no idea what goes where... :confused:

any ideas how to mount it?

Just today, I finally install my belly pan. Unfortunately I didn't make any pictures, but I try to help you. On the pictures below, you find the bolts, under which I install the brackets. I mark them red. On the last image, I use the coolant drain bolt (my be it wasn't the best idea). For just in case, i put the copper washer between engine and brackets.
Try to mount it like this, and my be you have a better idea how to do this.
Hope, it was useful for you. Later, I'll post some images of my belly pan.
Thanks Northern!

will try to follow your instructions as soon as I find some spare time ...
btw - your brackets after all this cutting, bending and adjusting - do they look like the one that I got or completely different?


FZ6 '05
Hi Northern,

sorry to bother you again, but did you manage to take some more photos?

I am still struggling with the installation - I think that my brackets are a bit to short :-(

FZ6 '05
Hi Northern,

sorry to bother you again, but did you manage to take some more photos?

I am still struggling with the installation - I think that my brackets are a bit to short :-(

No problemo :)
Just today I take some pictures to show, how my bike looks now. Hope this help you.
Looks very nice! Well done. :thumbup: Have you thought of maybe painting your front fender too?
Hi Northern,

At last I found some time to install my belly pan

once again - thanks for your help !


FZ6 '05
Both look really good! But, given the mounts sent, I'm kind of glad I bought the Yamaha lower cowl. Two brackets, concice directions and made to mount to stock points on the bike without modifications. I'll take pics along the way and post them up as a comparison.

After looking at these a little closer, how do each of you feel about oil changes with this installed? Northern, it looks like yours is in the path of oil filter removal? Led4ever is close but looks a bit more manageable. Thoughts from both of you? Thanx!
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