Helmet after crash - Pic



Here's a pic of my friends helmet after he ran over an Armadillo on a dark street. He was only going about 35 MPH and the Armadillo caused his bike to low side. He only had his helmet and gloves on. While sliding face down he had his right arm under him and completely tore off all his skin from his wrist to his shoulder. They wrapped up his arm at the hospital and he is doing fine. His bikes windsheild cracked and that was it as he had frame sliders on. He is one lucky cat to have his helmet on or that would of been his face all scuffed up. Remember always wear your gear no matter how hot it is. He lives in Florida and said it was to hot for a jacket. Rather sweat than bleed as one rider stated. Wish you a quick recovery buddy.
At least he had a lid on, would hate to think what he would look like if he didnt.

Yeah, His wife said the same exact thing. She was about to go to the BRC and after this she changed her mind and doesn't want to ride at all.
i recently had the misfortune of hitting the road pretty hard, and took a massive impact on the helmet, and slid on my butt for about 100 metres, but was wearing full leathers, and apart from one gouge on my inner thigh....didnt have a scratch on me...couple broken bones, but no scratches....ATGATT!


Hope your buddy gets better real soon....

Typical. A friend of a friend hit a warthog on his ZX-12 a couple of days ago. He is in ICU and the bike is a write-off but the warthog ran off seemingly unscathed.

You'd be amazed at what adrenaline can do for animals. Deer can run for MILES after being shot, all due to adrenaline.
And THAT, kiddos, is why you always wear a FULL FACE helmet!!!

I can't see riding in anything other than a full face helmet. I see these cruiser riders with there steal pots on there head and wonder what kind of protection is that gonna provide if the bike tumbles over. Full face is the way to go.
I can't see riding in anything other than a full face helmet. I see these cruiser riders with there steal pots on there head and wonder what kind of protection is that gonna provide if the bike tumbles over. Full face is the way to go.

I can't see why people don't wear All The Gear All The Time. This is yet another case that proves why ATGATT is so important.

I hope he is OK but also, I hope he learned that it is NEVER too hot for gear. That is merely a very lame excuse to make, nothing more. If you're too hot, you bought the wrong gear or you aren't moving on the bike.
BUT, for those that insist on wearing less than a full face helmet.

Science is getting very good at face transplants...:thumbup:
Was going out for a ride up Palomar Mountain on Sunday Afternoon. That morning one of my neighbors asked me,"Doesn't that gear get awfully hot?" I said sometimes. That afternoon I was going to wear on of my lighter jacket because the temps can climb up east of here and it was already warm. But I said to myself, better to be a little warm. My ride was fast, fun and uneventful. I was happy I'd done the best I could to come home safe and as it turned out once I was moving I wasn't as hot.
Hope your friend mends quickly.
I can't see why people don't wear All The Gear All The Time. This is yet another case that proves why ATGATT is so important.

I hope he is OK but also, I hope he learned that it is NEVER too hot for gear. That is merely a very lame excuse to make, nothing more. If you're too hot, you bought the wrong gear or you aren't moving on the bike.

I talked to him today and tore into him pretty good why he didn't have his jacket on. He said he has learned from his mistake and will never ride again without a jacket. He's doing pretty good just trying to get over the road rash.
Even though I complain in my mind about the gear when I put it on and how warm I get - ATGATT is the only way to go. I have much more peace of mind knowing that I am protecting myself as much as possible.

I shook my head a lot this weekend when I saw all the bike out with no gear - wow! :disapprove: