Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters
Mad at myself for letting side-stand roll back when I was changing oil pan. Grabbed it quick enough to *gently* let bike fall down but it laid on socket set box and put palm sized dent in side of tank.
I really can't believe that 60% of people's bikes have hit the ground.

Everybody has a doh! moment now and again, but 60%? Really?
i dreamnt i low sided mine last night :S

in the real world however it's only touched the ground once, when my foot slipped at a junction and had to lay it down. No damage luckily (crash bungs and top box saved the day)
Bought my bike used and it appears it has fallen over, judging by the scratches, but not by me.
Yes:( , it happened when I tried to put the center stand kick down on my new 2009 Fz6. Never had a bike with a center kick stand before. I was rocking it back and forth and it went over. Only damage is a broken left mirror. Someone said there is a good you tube video that shows you the proper way and it is easy if you do it right.
Lowsided on black ice but was only going about 30, pavement ate through the jeans (of course the part that made contact with the road was the part of the jeans without kevlar) but luckily I had a cell phone case that ate the pavement instead of my leg. Frame sliders saved the bike, couldnt even tell. Then about a month later my girlfriend was playing around on my bike (with the kickstand down) and leaned it too far to the other side and dropped it. My entire garage was clean....except for one jackstand. And sure enough the bike found the jackstand, luckily theres just a tiny dime size dent on the bottom of the tank near the frame.
My bike was down on both sides before I bought it. Thankfully it's black so the scratches on the fairings are not very visible.
I voted yes because my old bike, 2006 Ninja 650R, was dropped, but I am happy to say that the new one has remained on both wheels so far. Lets hope it stays that way!
Had my first "moving" tip over last night. It tipped once in gravel in VT 3 years ago and did no damage, and once this summer in the grocery store parking lot onto my Shoei which cracked the side pod.

Yesterday I was going home from work and found a "road closed" sign on one of my woodsey roads. There are tons of trees down again from all the wet snow we got last weekend. Usually I can sneak around those trees, so I went around the sign to check it out. The tree covered the whole road, so I was going to turn around, but when I grabbed the front brake the front end just went sideways. I was doing about 3mph, and didnt grab it hard, so I was dumbfounded at first. I looked at the ground and figured out what it was - a plastic Road Closed sign had been driven over and smashed into a lot of little pieces, and at the exact spot I hit the brake there was a chunk of plastic sign under the wheel. Really bad luck.

So the bike was tipped over completely onto the right side, engine was cut off, and a tiny bit of radiator fluid came out of the puke tube. I said "well, time to see if that whole Adrenaline-Let-Me-Pick-My-Bike-Up thing works!" It didn't. I am too damned small. I took the luggage off and still couldn't get it more than 5 inches off the ground. Just then a truck pulled up, and as I got up and walked towards him he did a u-turn and took off! WTF? Then another one pulled up about 30 seconds later and he got out and helped me.

The only damage is some small scuffs on the fairing, the right Givi bag, and a broken front right turn signal. That's going to be a pain in the arse... the plastic female bit on the inside of the fairing that it bolts to broke... it would mean a whole new fairing. I'm not doing that. Don't know what else to do - it's dangling pitifully. The actual turn signal is fine, as is the metal bracket.
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Funny story-You all know I sold my FZ6 and during my riding time of 20K miles not once did she hit the ground, well wouldn't ya know it when the fellow who bought her took the bike for a test ride he dumped it right in the driveway, you know how your feet don't reach the ground when your in a certain place going onto the street. Stalled it and over he went, tried to save it but to no avail. First thing he said when we went to help pick it up was "I guess I bought your bike", ha ha and of course I said looks that way( I would have let him slide if he wanted to). So yes technically my bike has hit the ground during my owner ship:D

The previous owner dropped her once or twice in parking lots, but I've only been riding for a year, so this is why "all the gear all the time". It will probably happen to me turning right at a 4-way stop.
Well a women pulled out in front of me while i was going 55mph down the highway so mine has hit the ground, done a couple flips through the air and broke everything that wasn't attached to the frame basically and then landed in a ditch next to me upside down... somehow the bike started up after i had it towed back to my house so i couldn't put it down (so to say) by parting w/e was left after the wreck i loved the bike to much haha.

how in the hell i walked away with a couple hairline fractures in my bottoms ribs and shoulder is beyond me but i love riding my bike again after spending a good $800+ on it to get it rideable lol.

so yes my bike has hit the ground quite a few times.

Not my new baby...but a few years ago my first bike (Katana 600) hit the ground. It was raining and I came to one of those gates where you have to punch in a code to get in....or...from the inside there is a simple button to push. So what I normally did was get off the bike, jump the fence, hit the button, and cruise on in (don't ask). I put the kickstand down, went over to the fence and heard this terrible noise behind me. The bike had tipped over. Some minor scratches on the fairings and a very pissed off me.
Four weeks after getting my new to me FZ6, my adorable daughter leaned on the right side of the bike. That's not a good idea. She then tried to get on from the right side even though I spent time with her earlier that day how to get on and off properly. Not her fault. She's gonna be a pole dancer when she grows up. Anyway, as the bike was parked right next to the curb, stator cover got scraped and the shift lever got bent. Not a big deal. But you better believe I made her get right back on the bike and we went for a slow cruise around the parking lot. Best to get back on the horse. And my daughter was 9 years old at the time. She's got no fear. Thankfully Daddy has just enough for the both of us. She begs me to take her riding all the time. Not pillion, mind you, up front. In a controlled parking lot of course.

Last week, we were talking about first cars, depending on good grades, which she has. Her first choice. A yellow Ninja 250. Now to find one in yellow.
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I have owned two bikes and been riding for four years. Both had been dropped by previous owners. I have avoided the curse and the bikes have never been down yet.... *knock on wood*:banghead:
Just had my first ever spill last weekend, after about 3 years and almost 30k km of riding.. a slow speed low side in a parking lot. Fortunately, thanks to my frame sliders the primary damage was to my pride (a tiny scratch to the side of the engine and left footpeg being the only physical damage)

Was mostly just upset at myself because I should've known better.. I mean, wet pavement, cold tires, slightly choppy throttle roll on in a lean.. the cause of the spill was really stupidity on my part, riding while preoccupied with other things and not focusing on the task at hand!

Ride safe everyone.