Hardcore across Cali


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Sebastopol, Ca
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I had to help out a friend down in San Diego, and decided it was a perfect opportunity to get better acquainted with my FZ6.
Had a bunch of work to do on Saturday, so I got a late start. Blasted down the I5 and got in around 11pm. Long, straight, boring, lots of bugs. I can't recommend it.
I got up at 4am on Tuesday and hit the road, my plan was to take the coast home from Ventura to SF.
Weather was great down south, and I made good time all the way up to the central coast. Just south of Big Sur the rain started, and I spent the rest of the ride dodging rock slides and cages in alternating fog, rain, lightning and intense winds, sometimes all together.
It was pretty hectic but the fizzer performed admirably and I feel like a real road warrior for making it home OK.
Trip took 13hrs and my ass was sore as hell, otherwise all good.

Beach in Ventura where I hit the coast


Pismo Beach pier. This looks like California to me!


Looking north from the pier at Pismo


Morro Rock at Morro Bay


A couple of Morro Bay looking south



My baby next to Morrow Rock


Uh-Oh, here's where the fun starts



And the last picture I took before survival became my overriding priority.


I wanted to take more, especially of the Big Sur area and Monterey/Santa Cruz, but I was making such poor time by then I figured I better not stop for anything other than gas if I wanted to get home before dark, and I really wanted to get home before dark!
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awesome scenery! I wish we had waves here! and the big rocks...it makes for more curvy roads! Glad you made it home safely!
Looks like a great trip,great pictures.
I wish we had nature like this in Denmark. But then i will just have to come visit Califonia again:)
awesome scenery! I wish we had waves here! and the big rocks...it makes for more curvy roads! Glad you made it home safely!

The road was awesome! I'll definitely go back and hit it again during good weather. I have to say though, I'm blessed with some pretty extraordinary coastal highway right in my own backyard that matches anything I saw down there.
It was really cool to watch how the coast changed from Southern to Northern California. Long, beautiful beaches to huge rocky cliffs, tame and inviting to wild, rough and awe inspiring. To watch it shift mile after mile was worth all the craziness.