Hands go numb


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2008
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McKinney, TX
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On my 30 min trip to work, I notice my hands go numb.. does anyone else go thru this?

I can contribute it to..

1. gloves are too tight, Ive ordered fingerless gloves to see if they help.
2. OEM grips are too thin, and vibration is causing it?

I've heard of changing grips, any suggestions?
I get the same numbness also. At first I thought it was maybe my gloves also but now i definitely think it's the vibration from the bar or the fact that I have smaller hands and the damn clutch lever so far out causing my numbness since it happens more to my left then my right.
Hi, My right hand goes numb, but it did on my old bike too. I attribute it to needing an adjustment by my chiropractor.
Between my shoulder blades I have a chronic "out of place" vert.
Hard breaking and excessive speed on downhill bumps pops it every time.
Then after an adjustment it's gone (for awhile)
Yeah, I get this too after about 45 minutes on my right hand. I think it is because of the angle of the bars, kind of torques your wrists.

I'm thinking about getting some longer bars so I can bend them back towards me and then turn the ends out so my wrists are straighter.
i use to happen to me when i first got my bike. i changed the angle on my handle bar, and put new grips. it reduced vibration and also try and not to squeeze you grips so hard it could also be causing the numbness
Maybe you have Carple Tunnel Syndrome. I had the operation on my left hand about 20 years ago and now my right hand goes numb, but not my left. Might be worth checking into with your doctor. Of course this is just a guess, but something to think about.
My right hand gets like it's not getting blood flow. Like it going to sleep. Is that sort of what everyone is calling numb? Mine starts to tingle and the I just rotate my hand when I get a chance to keep it happy and that seem to work out okay. I'm thinking it could be because we might hold the throttle side a little harder.

have loud aftermarket pipes? that adds to bar vibration a lot and used to make my hand numb..changed to stock pipe, it helped a lot

grip puppies might also help, since they are thicker, they require less squeeze.

also try heavy bar ends, if you have bar end mirrors, that adds to the vibs.

and rest your wrist, that helped me the most.
I had numb hands from the angle caused by my long arms until I put on the FZ1 bar. Much better now.
High vibes transmitted through the handlebar is just the nature of our high revving bike. It affects some ppl more than others. I found a few ways and mods to deal with it:

- keep weight off of your wrists and hands. Use stomach muscles and grip tank with knees more often, especially on deceleration (when your wgt shifts forward). Relax your grip.
- use SW Motech Barbacks which slightly changes riding position more upright
- Grip Puppies absorb some vibes
- attach a crampbuster to throttle side grip
- check the risers - make sure they're tight to spec
I've had my fz6 since saturday, and when I'm doing a long ride (80 miles plus) I've noticed the numbness. The short trip to work is fine though. I'm just putting it down to vibrations through the bars. When i've got more money, i'll try out the above changes.
GOOGLE "CRAMPBUSTERS". I bought a pair of these for about $10 and they make a big difference. I can got about three times farther before i notice the numbing. Lets the palm of your hand help with throttle control so you don't squeeze the throttle as much.
Tighten up your lower back muscles...
You'll have better control over the bike, when you don't lean on the bars and you will be less affected by the vibes...

Also, try to be cognizant of your shoulders... If you are bringing them up to your ears your dragging your body on more of an angle...

I tilted my bars towards me... and started doing more sittups and deadlifts...

Not sure who mentions Carpal Tunnel... if your thumb, pointer and middle fingers are the only ones that go numb... go back to your surgeon...
It could be more to do with what other people on here have said and to do with your back and neck, I'd get it checked out. I know since my Dad had his accident, he got ran into from behind, he broke his collar bone and a bone in his neck and his arms go numb, shouldn't be riding really but it won't stop him.
I'll echo some of the other comments - keep your weight off your wrists. I had this problem when I first got the bike until I modified my riding position slightly then it went away. I can ride for ages now without any trouble.
Wow, good stuff guys... many thanks.. I think I will give the grip puppies a try and report back, seems lots of riders have posted positive results after using them! I'll be sure to let you know how they work in my case! Thanks fellas!

By the way SovietRobot, ok, I won't get the fingerless gloves :)
I went the whole route to 98% eliminate numb hands.
Bar riser & backs & I went the extra route of modifying them i.e. dremel & drill bit so I could install vibration absorbing "rubber (O-rings/faucet washers & heavy vinyl tap) between All metal contact points. I also filled the bars with #7 lead shot and plugged the ends with a foam plug (leave enough room at the ends to install heavier (throttle master) bar ends --- adjusted so I have to actually physically "close the throttle" w/light force & of course when on long stretches tighten to hold the throttle --- so can relax the throttle hand.
Grip puppies (foam grips). I also glued "strips" of neoprene ( wet suit material) on my 2nd & little finger (leaving 1st & 3rd alone for when I need to really grip or use clutch/brake) and 2 strips across palm w/space between them.
Sounds extreme but I can ride for quite awhile without having to shake my hands to get the feeling back. More so when I need to use the brake my hand actually .....works!!
Yeaap you re not alone...
I started feeling those tension on my right wrist after 50-70miles ride...
I believed the angle of bars, I changed the wheels bearing and helped lot reduce vibration....maybe FZ1 bar would help for long trip....